Journal of Kerbala for Agricultural Sciences <p><strong>Journal Summary</strong></p> <p>The Journal of Kerbala for Agricultural Sciences (JKAS)® stands as an international scientific beacon and an open-access platform, employing a rigorous double-anonymous peer-review process. Our commitments extend to both online and print dissemination. Also, the journal is committed to making research accessible without financial or legal barriers. JKAS is dedicated to disseminating groundbreaking research that holds intrinsic value and significance, aiming to address and resolve challenges within the agricultural sciences in Iraq and beyond, contributing meaningfully to global knowledge. </p> College of Agriculture, University of Kerbala en-US Journal of Kerbala for Agricultural Sciences 2309-5199 <p><strong>Licensing Terms</strong></p> <p>All articles are published under a Creative Commons License and will be directed to the <a href="" rel="license">Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License</a> (CC BY 4.0) That permits use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. This license also allows the work to be used for commercial purposes.</p> <p><strong>Use by both non-commercial and commercial users</strong></p> <p>This content is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) license, permitting use by both non-commercial and commercial users. Individual users may access, download, copy, display, and redistribute the articles to colleagues, as well as adapt, translate, and text- and data-mine the content, subject to the following conditions:</p> <ul> <li>The author's moral rights, including the right of attribution and the right to protect their work from derogatory treatment, are respected.</li> <li>Where content in the article is identified as belonging to a third party, users must ensure that any reuse complies with the copyright policies of the owner of that content.</li> <li>If the article content is reused for research or educational purposes, users should maintain a link to the appropriate bibliographic citation, including the DOI and a link to the published version on the journal's website.</li> </ul> Molecular diagnosis of ALS and ACCase genes and detection of po-tential mutations and responsible for herbicide resistance in Raphanus raphanistrum L. weed from five Iraqi governorates <p>A field experiment was conducted during the winter season of 2022-2023 in one of the agricultural experimental fields at Ibn Al-Bitar Vocational School, located in Al-Hussainiya district of Kerbala governorate. The aim was to evaluate the efficacy of certain chemical herbicides in controlling wild radish weeds and to identify potential mutations in the ALS and ACCase genes responsible for resistance to some chemical herbicides. The experiment was designed according to a randomized complete block design (RCBD) with a split-plot arrangement and three replications. The main plots included five groups of wild radish seeds from five Iraqi governorates (Najaf, Karbala, Babylon, Wasit and Diwaniyah), while the subplots included four chemical herbicides (Navigator, Tatsteler, Mark Zone and Decimate), in addition to the untreated control. Laboratory results showed the presence of missense mutations in the ALS (Synthase acetolactate) gene in the seeds of Karbala, specifically a missense mutation at codon 349. For the seeds from Najaf, &nbsp;a frame shift mutation was identified, affecting codons 165, 166, 167, 168, 169 and 170. Additionally, a missense mutation was detected in the ACCase (Acetyl-CoA carboxylase) gene in the seeds of Babylon in codon 229. Regarding the field results, the seeds from Wasit weeds excelled by exhibiting the lowest average weed height and chlorophyll content after 60 and 90 days of spraying (60.82 cm and 33.12 SPAD, 80.25 cm and 37.57 SPAD for the two periods, respectively). In contrast, the seeds from Diwaniyah wild radish (<em>Raphanus raphanistrum</em> L.) weeds excelled in terms of control and inhibition percentages after 60 and 90 days of spraying (41.63% and 31.52%, 39.71% and 30.32% for the two periods, respectively). Additionally, Navigator herbicide was notably effective in reducing the height of wild radish weeds, decreasing chlorophyll content, and achieving the highest control and inhibition percentages.</p> Younis Muneim Jabbar Hameed Abd Khashan AlFarttoosi Ali Nadhim Farhood Copyright (c) 2025 Copyright (c) 2024 is the Author's article. Published by the Journal of Kerbala for Agricultural Sciences under a CC BY 4.0 license 2025-03-15 2025-03-15 12 1 1 17 10.59658/jkas.v12i1.3235 Effect of gibberellin and methyl jasmonate on the vase age and qualitative characteristics of rose leaves and flowers Rosa hybrida cv. Red Intuition – DELstriro <p>The experiment was conducted at the Agricultural Research Station of the College of Agriculture, University of Kufa, during the spring season 2024 to study the effect of spraying gibberellic acid (0, 75, 150, and 225 mg L<sup>-1</sup>) and methyl jasmonate (0, 50, 100, and 200 mg L<sup>-1</sup>) in the qualitative characteristics of flowers and the flowering age of rose plants. A factorial experiment was carried out using a Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with three replications. The results showed that the vase age and flower stem diameter increased when plants were sprayed with gibberellic acid at concentrations of 75 and 150 mg L<sup>-1</sup> with 200 mg L<sup>-1</sup> of methyl jasmonate, while an improvement was observed in flower diameter and carotenoid content of leaves when treated with gibberellic acid at a concentration of 75 mg L<sup>-1</sup> with 100 mg L<sup>-1</sup> of methyl jasmonate. As for the number of petals, an increase in their number was observed when spraying with gibberellic acid at a concentration of 150 mg L<sup>-1</sup> with 100 mg L<sup>-1</sup> of methyl jasmonate, while the higher concentrations of 225 mg L<sup>-1</sup> of gibberellic acid in combination with 200 mg L<sup>-1</sup> methyl jasmonate led to an inhibition in the hydrogen peroxide content of leaves. It could be concluded from this study the role that plant growth regulators play in supporting plant growth, which has a positive impact on the state of plant growth and improving the qualitative characteristics of flowers, but this requires further studies on this subject in order to increase interest and encourage the spread of cultivation and circulation of cut flowers as an economic resource for the region.</p> Doaa Nasser Jaber Sulaiman Abdulhusein Mashkoor Copyright (c) 2025 Copyright (c) 2024 is the Author's article. Published by the Journal of Kerbala for Agricultural Sciences under a CC BY 4.0 license 2025-03-15 2025-03-15 12 1 18 28 10.59658/jkas.v12i1.3236 First morphological and molecular identification of mealybug Cadra cautella (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) in Karbala, Iraq <p><em>Cadra cautella</em>&nbsp;(Walker, 1863) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) is a significant pest insect of dried products that has become widespread in storge products of Karbala Province. Integrating molecular data using Next Generation sequencing alongside morphological data from a comprehensive collection of live specimens was applied to identify <em>C. cautella</em> in Karbala, Iraq. The morphemic identification of the almond moth common in Karbala is <em>C. cautella</em>. This identification was confirmed molecularly. In addition, this insect's mitochondrial genes mtCOX1 were recorded in GenBank with accession numbers PP916775 and PP921921, with 657 and 651 bp long, respectively Another two genes of this insect were sequenced successfully: the hydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA lyase and vitellogenin genes deposited in GenBank under accession numbers PP928485 and PP928484. The results showed that for the first time, the identification of <em>C. cautella</em> and its genes was reported based on molecular biology in Karbala, Iraq. The research results help identify and distinguish the almond moth species using NGS and are beneficial for the better choice and application of control strategies against it.</p> Noor Al-Khalidi Sienaa Muslim Al-Zurfi Copyright (c) 2025 Copyright (c) 2024 is the Author's article. Published by the Journal of Kerbala for Agricultural Sciences under a CC BY 4.0 license 2025-03-15 2025-03-15 12 1 29 36 10.59658/jkas.v12i1.3237 Effectiveness of some local and commercial isolates of entomopathogenic nematodes in controlling Tuta absoluta larvae and comparing them with the pesticide Oxymatrine in the laboratory <p>A laboratory study was conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of local isolates <em>Oscheius onirici</em>, <em>Oscheius myriophilus</em>, commercial isolates <em>Heterorhabditis bacteriophora </em>and <em>Steinernema carpocapsae</em> of entomopathogenic nematodes (EPNs) to compare them with the plant pesticide Oxymatrine in controlling the tomato leaf miner <em>Tuta absoluta</em> on the tomato cultivar Ala in the laboratory. The results showed that the local biological treatment <em>Oscheius</em> spp gave the highest mortality rate for the third-stage larvae at concentrations of 100, 300, and 500 Ijs/ml and a cumulative killing rate of 100% during 5 days, respectively, followed by the commercial isolate <em>H. bacteriophora</em>, which had a mortality rate of 100%. There were no significant differences between the three isolates; the concentration of 500 Ijs was the highest cumulative killing rate for the biological treatments. At the same time, there was a significant difference between the commercial isolate <em>S. carpocapsae </em>and the other isolates, as the larval mortality rate reached 40% compared to the chemical pesticide.The mortality rate of the third-stage larvae <em>T. absoluta</em> at concentrations of 1.8, 1.5, and 1 ml during 5 days reached 40%, 36%, and 30%, respectively, as the recommended concentration of 1.8 gave the highest cumulative killing rate of 40% and with a highly significant difference between the three isolates. Still, there was no significant difference between the commercial isolates. The chemical pesticide <em>S. carpocapsae</em> reached a 40% mortality rate over 5 consecutive days.</p> Sura Ali Abdul Kareem Ali A. Kareem Estabraq M. AbidAlridha Copyright (c) 2025 Copyright (c) 2024 is the Author's article. Published by the Journal of Kerbala for Agricultural Sciences under a CC BY 4.0 license 2025-03-15 2025-03-15 12 1 37 47 10.59658/jkas.v12i1.3238 Role of agricultural sulfur, Thiobacillus bacteria and nano-zinc in the availability of some microelements in the soil and some qualitative traits of maize <p>A field experiment was conducted in one of the fields of Ibn Al-Bitar Vocational Preparatory school in Al-Husseiniyah district in the Holy governorate of Kerbala for the spring season of 2022 according to a randomized complete block design with three replications (R.C.B.D). The experiment included three factors. The first included three levels of agricultural sulfur (0, 1500 and 3000 kg ha<sup>-1</sup>), symbolized by (S0, S1 and S2, respectively). The second factor included two levels of <em>thiobacillus</em> bacteria: the control treatment (no addition) and the treatment with bacteria, symbolized by (T0 and T1). The third factor included three concentrations of nano-zinc (0, 50 and 100 mg L<sup>-1</sup>), symbolized by (Zn0, Zn1 and Zn2, respectively). The results of the experiment showed that the addition of sulfur had a significant effect, as the level of 3000 kg ha<sup>-1</sup> was superior in the concentration of iron and zinc in the soil, protein, carbohydrates and sulfur in the grains, with averages of (4.32 and 2.88 mg kg<sup>-1</sup>, 10.79 and 76.38 and 0.272% respectively). Also, the treatment with Thiobacillus bacteria showed superiority in the concentration of zinc in the soil and the concentration of protein and sulfur in the grains with averages of (2.55 mg kg<sup>-1</sup>, 10.25 and 0.248%). As for nano zinc, the third concentration (100 mg L<sup>-1</sup>) was superior in the concentration of protein, carbohydrates and sulfur in the grains with averages of (10.15, 74.00 and 0.239%). It was also observed that some interactions were significant in most of the traits studied.</p> Emad Adil Obayes Al-Taee Abbas Ali Hussein Alamery Copyright (c) 2025 Copyright (c) 2024 is the Author's article. Published by the Journal of Kerbala for Agricultural Sciences under a CC BY 4.0 license 2025-03-15 2025-03-15 12 1 48 60 10.59658/jkas.v12i1.3239 Agricultural financing and economic growth in Nigeria: implications for sustainable agricultural development <p>The significance of agricultural financing for sustainable agricultural and financial improvement in emerging economy like Nigeria cannot be over emphasized. This re-search work analyzed the impact of rural financing on financial sustainability in Nigeria. The dataset is time series information variables spreading a 40 year period, from 1981 to 2020. Annual aggregates data on capital expenditure, agricultural credit, ex-port loans, and gross domestic product (GDP) were sourced from the distributions of Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) and National Bureau of Statistics (NBS). The research was conducted in 2023 and data sets were analyzed using Unit Root test, Cointegration test, and error correction model. Results revealed that agricultural credit, export financing, and capital expenditure affect GDP positively in Nigeria. Therefore, there is need for policy formulation and implementation on arrangement of satisfactory funding facilities to agricultural production and export sector with moderate interest rates at a minimal cost of capital. Government should also embark on massive infra-structural development in order to enhance sustainable financial growth and development.</p> Olaide Kamila Akintunde Kaothar Modupe Idris-Adeniyi Khadijat Olaitan Olanrewaju Adeleke Sabitu Coster Copyright (c) 2025 Copyright (c) 2024 is the Author's article. Published by the Journal of Kerbala for Agricultural Sciences under a CC BY 4.0 license 2025-03-15 2025-03-15 12 1 61 72 10.59658/jkas.v12i1.3240 Evaluating the efficiency of some plant extracts in controlling the different stages of the peach fruit fly, Bactrocera zonata (Diptera: Tephritidae) <p>This study examined the efficiency of cold aqueous extract of geranium, neem, and peppermint plants in mortality in different stages of the peach fruit fly, Bactrocera zonata. The results indicated that each of the three extracts had an effect on the third larval instar. The results showed that neem extract had the highest effect on the third larval instar. The cumulative corrected mortality rate after 72 hours reached 67.3%, while the corrected mortality rate of larvae due to the effect of peppermint extract was 58.6%. As for the geranium extract had the least effect among the three extracts on the larval stage, as the corrected cumulative mortality rate reached 52%. As for the effect of the aqueous extracts of the three plants on the stage of pupation, the neem extract was the most effective among the three extracts, as the highest rate of non-emergence of adults at a concentration of 7% was 30%. As for peppermint extract, the mortality rate was 10%, while for geranium extract, the mortality rate was 6%, There was no effect on the pupal stage at the concentration of 3%. These compounds also showed a clear effect in repelling the adult stage, as the geranium extract had a significant impact in repelling insects, as the insect repellency rate reached 72.16%. As for the neem plant extract, the insect repellent rate was 50.03%, while the peppermint plant extract showed a 62% repellent rate for B. zonata adults.</p> Karar Abdel Zahra Mahdi Saleh Al Abbas Akram Ali Mohammad Copyright (c) 2025 Copyright (c) 2024 is the Author's article. Published by the Journal of Kerbala for Agricultural Sciences under a CC BY 4.0 license 2025-03-15 2025-03-15 12 1 73 83 10.59658/jkas.v12i1.3242 Effect of media type, Cytokinins and Auxins on the formation of embryogenesis of date palm Phoenix dactylifera L. in vitro <p>&nbsp;The study was carried out in the tissue culture laboratory of the Date Palm Research Center, University of Basrah in 2022-2023 Ad, three types of nutritional media were used, Murashige and Skooge,( 1962)(MS) , Woody plant media ( WPM) (Lloyd and McCown, 1981), and&nbsp; Gamborg, (1968) (B5) supplied with two types of cytokines Zeatin and 2ip at four concentrations for each (0, 0.5 ,1 ,2) mg L<sup>-1</sup> and two types of auxins NAA and IBA at three concentrations for each (0, 0.1, 0.5) mg L<sup>-1</sup> to formation embryogenesis of Barhi cultivar <em>in vitro</em>. The results showed that the WPM and MS media gave the highest rate of the number of embryos, which amounted to 7.45 and 7 embryos, with a significant difference from the B5 media which reached (4.92 embryos ) Also, no significant differences were observed in the number of embryos for the cytokine type trait, while the results showed that the concentrations of 0 and 0.5 mg.L<sup>-1</sup> were excelled in the rate of the number of embryos, which amounted to 7.13 embryos, with a significant difference from the rest of the concentrations. the WPM nutrient media recorded the highest percentage of embryos, number, and length of roots, which amounted to 41.7%, 1.6 roots, and 5.48 cm, respectively, with a significant difference from the MS media, which amounted to 30% percentage of embryo, and the number and length of roots amounted to 1.36 roots and 5.06 cm, respectively, while the type of auxin did not record any significant effect on the embryo percentage and root length, while IBA was excelled in the rate The number of roots reached 1.6 roots compared with NAA concentration exceeded 0.5 mg L<sup>-1</sup> significantly in the percentage of embryo, number of roots and their length at a rate of 48.8% and 1.7 roots and 6.125 cm compared to the control treatment, while the effect of the double and triple interactions did not record any significant differences with statistical significance</p> Mohammed H. Tuaimah Osama N. Jaffar Manal Z. Sabti Copyright (c) 2025 Copyright (c) 2024 is the Author's article. Published by the Journal of Kerbala for Agricultural Sciences under a CC BY 4.0 license 2025-03-15 2025-03-15 12 1 84 95 10.59658/jkas.v12i1.3243 Evaluation of information communication technology (ICTs) utilization among dry season vegetable farmers in Ejigbo local government area of Osun state, Nigeria <p>Information Communication Technology (ICTs) plays a pivotal role in enhancing dry-season vegetable production. The study assessed the evaluation of Information Communication Technology (ICT) utilization among dry-season vegetable farmers in Ejigbo local government area of Osun State. A structured interview schedule was used to collect information from 120 respondents for the study selected using a two-stage sampling procedure with the aid of purposive and random sampling techniques from 171 farmers constituting about 93%. Data obtained were analyzed with both descriptive and inferential statistics (Pearson’s Product Moment Correlation). The results show that more than half (65.8%) of the respondents were female, and three-quarters (75.0%) were married with mean age, household size, and years of formal education of 35±13.2, 5±1.38 and 5.15±1.38 respectively. Mobile phone was the major ICT used in facilitating input procurement with a weighted mean score (WMS) of 2.53 and delivery to farm (WMS=4.06) was the main purpose of ICT usage. The major constraints to ICT usage were inadequate capital (WMS=1.61) and the high cost of ICT tools (1.53). A significant and positive relationship exists between each age (r = 0.453), household size (r =-0.204), years of experience (r =-0.376), and the utilization of ICT. The study concluded that farmer's use of ICTs was low and informed by socio-economic factors such as inadequate capital and the high cost of ICTs limiting purposeful usage. It is recommended that ICT infrastructural development should be prioritized in rural communities of Nigeria.</p> Afusat Adunni Alabi Khadijah Olaitan Olanrewaju Ahmed Olugbenga Busari Kaothar Modupe Idris-Adeniyi Monsur Adekunle Bello Oluwatobi Olalekan Ajibade Copyright (c) 2025 Copyright (c) 2024 is the Author's article. Published by the Journal of Kerbala for Agricultural Sciences under a CC BY 4.0 license 2025-03-15 2025-03-15 12 1 96 111 10.59658/jkas.v12i1.3247 The Efficacy of vermicompost, effective microorganisms (EM1), and humic acid in managing cucumber root rot caused by Rhizoctonia solani in Iraq <p>This research aims to manage cucumber root rot disease caused by the fungus<em> Rhizoctonia solani</em> using Vermicompost, the microbial product Effective Microorganisms (EM1), and humic acid under field conditions. The field survey results confirmed the spread of cucumber root rot disease in the surveyed areas, with infection rates ranging between 48.0% and 46.23% while disease severity between 28% and 38%. Several types of fungi associated with root rot disease were isolated and identified, with <em>Rhizoctonia solani</em> being the most frequently occurring pathogenic fungi, followed by <em>Fusarium spp</em>. and <em>Macrophomina phaseolina</em>. The results also showed that all tested isolates of <em>Rhizoctonia solani</em> were pathogenic and caused a significant reduction in the germination rate of cucumber seeds. Additionally, the results demonstrated the ability of the microbial product EM1 to inhibit the growth of <em>Rhizoctonia solani</em> on P.D.A with the highest inhibitory effect was observed at concentrations of 5%, 10%, and 15%, where the percentage of inhibition reached 100%. The field experiment results showed that all tested treatments reduced disease severity to varying degrees. The treatment combining all control factors (EM1 + Vermicompost + Humic Acid) recorded the highest inhibition rate of disease severity of 6.66%, compared to 77.77% in the pathogen-only treatment. This combination effectively controlled the pathogen and significantly limited the spread of the infection. The combination of the bio-product and Vermicompost ranked second, reducing disease severity to 13.33%, followed by the combinations of the Bio-preparation with humic acid and Vermicompost with humic acid, with disease severities of 22.22% and 26.66%, respectively.</p> Duha Ayed Abd Hazza Al Masoudi Abdal Zahra Jabbar Al Muhammadawi Copyright (c) 2025 Copyright (c) 2024 is the Author's article. Published by the Journal of Kerbala for Agricultural Sciences under a CC BY 4.0 license 2025-03-15 2025-03-15 12 1 112 125 10.59658/jkas.v12i1.3250 Molecular identification and the effect of nanofertilization on growth traits of some maize genotypes <p>Maize is an important crop. Plant fertilization plays an important role in improving and increasing crop productivity in a sustainable manner. In the fall season of 2023, a field experiment was conducted to study the effect of different combinations of chemical and nano NPK fertilizers on some growth traits of five adopted genotypes, and to study the genetic variations at the molecular level. A randomized complete block design (RCBD) was used with split-plot arrangement and three replicates. The main plots included six treatments: five fertilizer combinations plus a control treatment (no fertilization). The sub plots included genotypes (three hybrids: Reserve, Jameson and AGN720 and two synthetic cultivars: Al Maha and Al Fajr). Results showed that a significant effect on almost all of the studied traits was due to fertilization levels, genotypes, and their interaction, as the use of 50% mineral + 50% nanofertilizer led to a significant increase in plant height, stem diameter, number of active leaves, leaf area and crop growth rate, which corded 206.4 cm, 19.18 mm, 12.2 leaf plant<sup>-1</sup>, 6416 cm<sup>2</sup>, and 4.651 gm plant<sup>-1</sup> day<sup>-1</sup>, respectively. On the other hand, the values ​​of the control treatment gave the lowest values. The synthetic varieties outperformed in most of the studied traits. The Al-Maha synthetic variety gave the highest stem diameter and leaf area, which recorded 18.94 mm and 6419 cm<sup>2</sup>, while the Al-Fajr synthetic variety gave the highest plant height and crop growth rate, which reached 211.7 cm and 4.469 gm. plant<sup>-1</sup> day<sup>-1</sup>. It can be concluded that mineral fertilizers can be replaced by nano-fertilizers, but can be considered as a supplement to mineral fertilizers and not a substitute for it.</p> Marwah Abdulabbas Ismael Alqusabi Faez. Fayad. Alogaidi Copyright (c) 2025 Copyright (c) 2024 is the Author's article. Published by the Journal of Kerbala for Agricultural Sciences under a CC BY 4.0 license 2025-03-15 2025-03-15 12 1 126 146 10.59658/jkas.v12i1.3253 Some Biological Aspects of Indian Meal Moth Plodia interpunctella (Hübner) (Lepidoptera Pyralidae) and its Natural <p>Indian meal moth, <em>Plodia interpunctella</em> (Hübner) life cycle was investigated the mean duration of the pre-mating, pre-oviposition, oviposition, and post-oviposition were 1.75, 2.50, 2.20, and 3.50 days, respectively. The average number of laid eggs was 138.80 eggs, and newly emerged larvae completed their growth inside the cages. The average incubation period, larva development period, pupation period, and adult longevity were 4.62, 28.50, 7.04, and 40.16 days, respectively. The duration of 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th larval instars was 4.52, 4.80, 4.95, 3.90, 4.60, and 6.13 days, respectively, with a total larvae longevity of 28.90 days. Mentha longifolia L. had the largest mortality rate, 89.00 %, of the larvae and Ocimum basilicum extract, with a mortality rate of 81.00 %, while Thymus kotschyanus Bioss. was the lowest mortality rate, 55.00 %. The plant extracts treatment showed that the effective Mentha longifolia L., which gave 42.00 mortality for 48 hours at 50 % concentration and raised to 89.00% at a rate of 100% concentration, Ocinum basilicum gave 37.00 % and 81.00% after 48 hours at a rate of 50 % and 100 % concentration respectively, but the Thymus kotschyanus Boiss. Gave 41.00 % and 55.00% after 48 hours at 50 % and 100 % concentration, respectively.</p> Abdulbaset M. Amin Mohammed Copyright (c) 2025 Copyright (c) 2024 is the Author's article. Published by the Journal of Kerbala for Agricultural Sciences under a CC BY 4.0 license 2025-03-15 2025-03-15 12 1 147 155 10.59658/jkas.v12i1.3262 Factors Influencing Cashew Farmers’ Output in Ejigbo Local Government Area, Osun State, Nigeria <p>The factors influencing the cashew farmers' output in Ejigbo Local Government Area, Osun State, Nigeria were examined in this study. A sample of 120 cashew farmers was selected from communities in the local government area using a multistage sampling procedure. Primary data were collected from respondents using a structured interview schedule. Data were analysed using descriptive (means, frequency, and percentages), and inferential (regression analysis) statistics. &nbsp;Results reveal that the cashew farmers were aged, with a mean age of 60.00 years; male (86.67%); married (77.50%) with a mean household size of 7 persons per household with a mean of 4.02 years of formal education. The mean cashew farm size, years of cashew farming experience, and cashew output were 4.43 hectares, 23.63 years, and 63.47 tonnes per year respectively. Farm size and cashew farming experience influenced cashew output positively. Constraints to cashew production are the unavailability of farm inputs, low prices of cashew nuts, and poor infrastructural facilities.</p> Ahmed Olugbenga Busari Kolapo Kazeem Olalekan Adewale Mubarak Mustapha Joshua Olanrewaju Awofodu Oluwaseun Mercy Obisesan Copyright (c) 2025 Copyright (c) 2024 is the Author's article. Published by the Journal of Kerbala for Agricultural Sciences under a CC BY 4.0 license 2025-03-15 2025-03-15 12 1 156 164 10.59658/jkas.v12i1.2552 Impact of seed soak by ascorbic acid and foliar spray with boron in some morphological and physiological traits of wheat <p>This study included the investigation of the effect of wheat seeds (Abu Ghraib variety) priming at different concentrations of ascorbic acid and boron foliar nutrition on certain morphological and physiological characteristics of wheat plants. A field experiment executed in the city of Ramadi, Al-Jazeera region. The experiment included two factors: seed priming by ascorbic acid (vitamin C) at different concentrations (0, 10, 20, and 40 mg.l<sup>-1</sup>), represented by (P<sub>0</sub>, P<sub>1</sub>, P<sub>2</sub>, P<sub>3</sub>) and three concentrations of boron foliar spray at (0, 3, 5) mg.l<sup>-1</sup> represented by (B<sub>0</sub>, B<sub>1</sub>, B<sub>2</sub> ) were added to plants as Boric acid (H<sub>3</sub>BO<sub>3</sub>). The experiment was carried out according to the randomized complete block design (RCBD) with three replicates. The results showed that all ascorbic acid concentrations, boron foliar fertilization, and their interactions increased significantly with concentrations increasing in all studied characteristics. The highest significant differences were recorded at the concentrations of 40 mg.l<sup>-1</sup> of ascorbic acid and 5 mg.l<sup>-1</sup> of boron. (102.667cm ;14.000 branches. Plant<sup>-1</sup>; 68.55 cm<sup>2 </sup>and 5.227<sup>-1</sup>) for plant height, number of branches, leaf area, and total chlorophyll.&nbsp;</p> ثامر بدوي Bihar Al-Ani Copyright (c) 2025 Copyright (c) 2024 is the Author's article. Published by the Journal of Kerbala for Agricultural Sciences under a CC BY 4.0 license 2025-03-15 2025-03-15 12 1 165 174 10.59658/jkas.v12i1.2623 Influence of plant densities and sowing conditions on Sunflower cultivars yield under semi-arid conditions <p>A field experiment was conducted to determine the influence of two plant densities Pd1 (50400) and Pd2 (62500) plant ha<sup>-1</sup>, two cultivars C<sub>1</sub> (Samsun-3) and C<sub>2</sub> (Funtua), and six sowing conditions Sc<sub>1 </sub>(Sowing at 22 Feb.-covered), Sc<sub>2</sub> (Sowing at 7 Mar.-covered), Sc<sub>3</sub> (Sowing at 30 Mar.-free cover), Sc<sub>4</sub> (Sowing at 22 Feb.-greenhouse), Sc<sub>5</sub> (Sowing at 7 Mar.-greenhouse) and Sc1 (Sowing at 30 Mar.-free cover plus two irrigations) on yield contributing traits of sunflower under rainfed condition. Results showed that the effects of plant densities, cultivars, sowing conditions, and their interaction on the studied yield parameters, disk weight, disc diameter (cm), 1000- seed weight (g), number of seed disc<sup>-1</sup> and seed yield (t h<sup>-1</sup>) were highly significant (P≤0.01). Maximum mean values were recorded for the disk weight (g) and number of seed disc<sup>-1</sup> in Sc<sub>3</sub> (Mar-30) with Samsun-3 and Pd1(50400 plants ha<sup>-1</sup>), disc diameter in Sc<sub>4</sub> (Feb-22) with Samsun-3 and Pd1(50400 plants ha<sup>-1</sup>), 1000- seed weight (g) in Sc<sub>4 </sub>(Feb-22) with Samsun-3 and Pd1(50400 plants ha<sup>-1</sup>), and seed yield (t h<sup>-1</sup>) in Sc<sub>4</sub> and Sc<sub>2</sub> (Feb-22) with Samsun-3 and Pd1 (50400 plants ha<sup>-1</sup>). According to the seed yield, Samsun-3 surpassed Funtua by 23%, while Pd2 surpassed Pd2 by 17%. Yield reduction was large under Sc<sub>3</sub> late spring sowing (22 %) compared with too early sowing Sc<sub>4</sub>. Based on the results, it is concluded that high quantity production was obtained on the Feb-22 date of sowing with Samsun-3 under a high population (62500 plants ha<sup>-1</sup>). Favorite or Performer variety can be grown for their high seed under climate conditions in Sulaimany-Kurdistan-Iraq or other similar areas.</p> Solaf Adnan Muhammed Shilan Mahmood Ahmed Kamel Mahmood Mustafa Rozhgar Mustafa Ahmed Kawa Faisal Mustafa Dayan Majeed Ibrahim Copyright (c) 2025 Copyright (c) 2024 is the Author's article. Published by the Journal of Kerbala for Agricultural Sciences under a CC BY 4.0 license 2025-03-15 2025-03-15 12 1 175 195 10.59658/jkas.v12i1.3280 Effect of planting dates and DSPER size spraying on maize growth <p>Aiming to study the effect of planting dates and spraying with the compound DSPER Size on the growth of (<em>Zea mays</em> L.), a factorial experiment was conducted using a randomized complete block design (RCBD) with split-plot design and three replications. The experiment was carried out in one of the agricultural fields designated for the Field Crops Department, College of Agriculture, University of Kerbala, at the Ibn Al-Bitar Vocational School in the Al-Husseiniya region during the summer season of 2024. The experiment included two factors Main plots planting dates (July 10, July 20, July 30, and August 9) and Subplots concentrations of the DSPER Size compound (0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, and 4.0) g l<sup>-1</sup>. The results showed that the third planting date (July 30) outperformed in some of the studied traits, recording the highest mean plant height (223.71 cm) and stem diameter (29.781 mm). Meanwhile, the fourth planting date excelled in leaf area, with a mean of (6853.6 cm²), and chlorophyll content, of (60.581 SPAD). The treatment with the compound concentration of 3 g L<sup>⁻¹</sup> significantly outperformed in giving the highest means for all traits plant height (213.25 cm), stem diameter (29.810 mm), number of leaves (13.240 leaf plant<sup>-1</sup>), leaf area (6697.4 cm²), and chlorophyll content (61.230 SPAD).The results of the study also showed the superiority of the interaction treatment between the third planting date (July 30) and the concentration of 3 g L<sup>⁻¹,</sup> which resulted in the highest plant height of (225.23 cm) and the number of leaves reaching (14.630 leaf plant<sup>-1</sup>).</p> Ali Al-Sajad Jaafar Al-Fatlawi Ahmed Najm Al-Mosawy Copyright (c) 2025 Copyright (c) 2024 is the Author's article. Published by the Journal of Kerbala for Agricultural Sciences under a CC BY 4.0 license 2025-03-15 2025-03-15 12 1 196 204 10.59658/jkas.v12i1.3281 Effects of Breed on hatchability and immune characteristics of indigenous chickens <p>This study, was conducted at Hemn Private Hatchery in Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq, examined 600 eggs (average weight 52.75±0.13 g) from 50-week-old indigenous chickens under sterile conditions. Findings revealed that Kurdish local chickens had a higher egg weight (55.60 g) compared to Iraqi black line (49.83 g). On the 18th day of incubation, average egg weights were 48.20 g for Kurdish chickens and 42.13 g for Iraqi black line, while by day 21, the weights dropped to 35.12 g and 31.93 g, respectively. Egg loss was 7.70% in Kurdish chickens and 7.40% in Iraqi black line. During the season, egg weight decreased by 17.90% in Kurdish chickens and 20.48% in improved chickens. Hatchability rates of total eggs were 67.27% for Kurdish chickens and 69.69% for Iraqi black line, while hatchability of fertile eggs was 75.05% and 76.71%, respectively. Embryo mortality was 33.33% in Iraqi black line and 30.40% in Kurdish breed. Additionally, Improved chickens&nbsp;&nbsp; showed greater resistance to Newcastle and Gumboro diseases than local Kurdish chickens.</p> Mohammed S. Abdullah Azad Sh. S. Al-Dabbagh Questan A. Ameen Bnar F. sulaiman Copyright (c) 2025 Copyright (c) 2024 is the Author's article. Published by the Journal of Kerbala for Agricultural Sciences under a CC BY 4.0 license 2025-03-15 2025-03-15 12 1 205 213 10.59658/jkas.v12i1.3282 Optimization of Germination and Seedling Development in (Ju-glans regia L.) Cultivars Using Different Growing Media <p><strong>Abstract</strong></p> <p>This study aimed to evaluate the effects of three different growing media—loamy soil (G1), silty clay (G2), and a peat moss-perlite mix (G3)—on the germination and growth of three walnut cultivars (<em>Juglans regia L.</em>): Denarta (C1), Choman (C2), and Hawraman (C3). Results showed that both growing media and cultivar type significantly influenced germination rates and seedling growth parameters. The highest germination percentage was observed in G3 for C3 (81.48% and 92.59%, respectively). Furthermore, the combination of G3 and C3 produced the greatest seedling height (25.33 cm) and root length (18.33 cm). These findings suggest that peat moss-perlite (G3) is the most suitable growing medium for walnut seedling propagation, and the Hawraman cultivar (C3) exhibits the best growth performance. This combination is recommended for walnut nursery operations and reforestation efforts in the Kurdistan region.</p> <p><strong>Keywords</strong>: <em>Juglans regia</em>,&nbsp; growing media,&nbsp; seedling growth, walnut cultivars, and germination</p> Ako Mahmood Shaima Abdulkhaliq Karim Copyright (c) 2025 Copyright (c) 2024 is the Author's article. Published by the Journal of Kerbala for Agricultural Sciences under a CC BY 4.0 license 2025-03-15 2025-03-15 12 1 214 223 10.59658/jkas.v12i1.2684 Effects of different row spacing on growth, forage yield, seed yield and its component of some grass pea (Lathyrus Sativa) variety in Sulaimani Governorate, Iraq <p>This study investigates the effects of varied row spacing of 20, 40, and 60 cm on three distinct grass pea (<em>Lathyrus sativus</em>) varieties: IF133, IF102, and IF003.The experiment was conducted at the Qlyasan Agricultural Research Station in the Sulaimani Governorate during the winter of 2022–2023 to determine the optimal row spacing and variety for grass pea development, forage yield, and yield characteristics under local climatic conditions. The study employed factorial design with three replications within a Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD).At the effect of interaction between grass pea varieties and row spacing on growth and forage yield characters. The results showed that the variety no. 3 produced the tallest plants with (105.667 cm) when 20 cm of row spacing was used. In contrast, the interaction of 20 cm row spacing with variety no. 2 resulted in the lowest plant height with (72.633 cm). Furthermore, variety no. 3 with 20 cm row spacing produced the maximum number of days to 50% flowering reached (121.98 days),while variety no.1with40 cm row spacing produced the highest number of days to maturity (180.373days). At 40 cm row spacing variety no1 had the highest stem dry weigh reached (8.172g), while variety no.2 with 20cm row spacing had the highest dry leaf with (10.325 g).At the effect of interactions between grass pea varieties and row spacing on seed yield and its components showed that variety no.2with 40 cm row spacing had the highest harvest Index which is (0.544).While variety no. 3 recorded highest biological yield at 60 cm row spacing reached (15.224 tons/ha).</p> Ako Mahmood Jwan Gharib Rafaat Rafaat Shaee Adeeb Ghareeb Rawaz Jalal Hama Ali Copyright (c) 2025 Copyright (c) 2024 is the Author's article. Published by the Journal of Kerbala for Agricultural Sciences under a CC BY 4.0 license 2025-03-15 2025-03-15 12 1 224 233 10.59658/jkas.v12i1.2667 Effect of spraying with thiourea and boron on growth parameters of sweet marjoram (Origanum majorana L.) <p>A pot experiment was carried out in the Horticulture and Landscape Department, College of Agriculture, University of Kerbala during the spring season of 2024. The study aimed to investigate the impact of thiourea spraying at concentrations of 0, 500, 750, and 1000 mg L<sup>-1</sup> (T0, T1, T2, T3 respectively) and boron spraying at concentrations of 0, 25, 50, and 100 mg L<sup>-1</sup> (B0, B1, B2, B3 respectively) on the vegetative growth characteristics of sweet marjoram. The study was conducted according to a randomized complete block design with three replications. The results showed the differential effect of adding the study factors individually, as the concentration (1000 mg L<sup>-1</sup>) thiourea had a significant superiority in all traits except for the leaf area trait, while for spraying boron, the significant superiority was for the concentration (100 mg L<sup>-1</sup>) in all traits. The interaction between thiourea and boron was significant, as treatment T1 B3 was superior in plant length and gave (29.45 cm), while treatment T3 B2 was superior in stem diameter and number of branches and gave (2080 mm) and (18.68 branches plant-1) respectively. As for leaf area, the highest average was at the interaction equation T2 B3 and reached (1.134 cm2), and the interaction treatment T3 B3 gave the highest average of dry matter percentage of (24.97%) and the highest total chlorophyll content of (57.91 mg 100 g fresh weight). The important conclusion of this study is the significant effect of the study factors on the growth of this herb of medical importance.</p> Rusul F. Nouri Kadum M. Abdullah Copyright (c) 2025 Copyright (c) 2024 is the Author's article. Published by the Journal of Kerbala for Agricultural Sciences under a CC BY 4.0 license 2025-03-15 2025-03-15 12 1 234 243 10.59658/jkas.v12i1.3283 Study of the qualitative characteristics of carp surimi powder frozen for different periods <p>In this study, the qualitative properties of surimi fish powder produced from storing carp fish in a freezer at -18°C for (0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14) days were studied, and the chemical composition of the powder was tested, including protein content, oil absorption capacity, density, emulsification and emulsion stability, thiobarbituric acid content, and gelatinous ability. The results showed that increasing the freezing time of fish led to an increase in the values ​​of thiobarbituric acid and an increase in density, and a decrease in other qualitative properties, such as protein solubility, the ability to form powder gel, and the oil absorption capacity. It can be said that long-term storage of carp in freezing led to a decrease in the quality properties of the surimi powder produced.</p> Ahmed A. Hussien Copyright (c) 2025 Copyright (c) 2024 is the Author's article. Published by the Journal of Kerbala for Agricultural Sciences under a CC BY 4.0 license 2025-03-15 2025-03-15 12 1 244 251 10.59658/jkas.v12i1.3284