هذه نسخة قديمة منشورة في 02/03/2025. إقرأ النسخة الأحدث.

Politicians use their poli

| message in a statement.


  • Rosheed Rosh

الكلمات المفتاحية:

ali، jabbas، ahmed


The study also makes other hypotheses, among them that: (2) In Joe Biden's speech, the quantity maxim is the one that is most frequently broken or ignored. In accordance with Grice's idea of implicature and the cooperative principle, this study combines qualitative and quantitative approaches (1975). The goal of the descriptive qualitative method is to characterize a language phenomenon in relation to its surrounding context. Since the research findings were expressed as numerical values, percentages, and statistical measures, a quantitative approach was judged required to support this study in order to ensure comprehensive and trustworthy conclusions.

The study also makes other hypotheses, among them that: (2) In Joe Biden's speech, the quantity maxim is the one that is most frequently broken or ignored. In accordance with Grice's idea of implicature and the cooperative principle, this study combines qualitative and quantitative approaches (1975). The goal of the descriptive qualitative method is to characterize a language phenomenon in relation to its surrounding context. Since the research findings were expressed as numerical values, percentages, and statistical measures, a quantitative approach was judged required to support this study in order to ensure comprehensive and trustworthy conclusions.




كيفية الاقتباس

Rosh, R. (2025). Politicians use their poli: | message in a statement . مجلة الباحث, 43(1), 60–70. استرجع في من https://journals.uokerbala.edu.iq/index.php/bjh/article/view/aqsdsfdfdsfsd