The role of quality culture in building a learning organization - an exploratory study of the opinions of a sample of administrative leaders at Kirkuk University/Tikrit University


  • Naji Abdel - Sattar Mahmoud
  • Ahmed Abdullah Danouk
  • Muthanna Saad Yassin


Culture of Quality, Educated Organization


The study sought to identify the role of quality culture in building an educated organization. Quality culture in dimensions (support for innovation, support of the beneficiary, support of sense of belonging) was an independent variable, while the dimensions of the organization were defined as (learning, organization environment, Applied the technology) as a dependent variable, and relied on the descriptive and analytical approach in completing their requirements. The problem of the study focused on the main question: Does quality culture play a role in building the educated organization? The structure of the study is based on two main hypotheses that assume that there is a correlation between quality culture and the organization of the learning organization. The University of Kirkuk and Tikrit were chosen as a society for the application of the study and the administrative leaders working in it represented by (Deans, Deans' Assistants and Heads of Departments) As a main tool for data collection, the Lycert tripartite scale was used to determine the answer to its paragraphs and was analyzed by the Spss Ver-15 program. The study reached a number of conclusions:

  1. There is a significant correlation between the quality culture and the organization of the learning organization. This indicates that the quality culture contributes effectively and efficiently to the building of the educated organization, the transformation of organizations into modern educational organizations of the new business mechanisms.
  2. The organizations in question need a higher level of quality culture variables, and the level of the variables of the educated organization that it possesses to enable it to achieve quality and disseminate its culture as a working method, and to achieve the mechanisms of building an educated organization and to implement the strategies of transformation to the most efficient and effective.

In light of the conclusions of the study, the following main proposals are proposed:

  1. The organizations investigated should adopt a culture of quality as a working method in which all decisions are taken, and all methods of learning are based on it, especially in the transformation of organizations into learning organizations.
  2. The need for the organizations sought to raise the level of availability of the variables of quality culture, and the level of the variables of the organization in which it is educated to a higher level than it is so much so that it can achieve quality and disseminate its culture as a working method and achieve the mechanisms of building the learning organization and to take advantage of the vital role of these variables in the survival Organizations and their continued development, excellence, and promotion of their success.



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How to Cite

ناجي عبدالستار محمود, احمد عبدالله دانوك, & مثنى سعد ياسين. (2024). The role of quality culture in building a learning organization - an exploratory study of the opinions of a sample of administrative leaders at Kirkuk University/Tikrit University. Iraqi Journal for Administrative Sciences, 14(58), 33–51. Retrieved from