Studies on the Indian meal moth plodia interpunctella Hub.(pyralididae:Lepid) and its control by som insecticides


  • Muna A. Benian Dep.Biology/higher education/unverstiy Thi-Qar



P.interpunctella regarded as one of the most important on stored corn seeds in Thi-Qar province.Iraq Recently the insect became frequent habitants infeots dried stored food even in privae houses , The female lays about 139.3+5.2 eggs Jars containing corn seeds nuts while 44.9+15.9 eggs injars without food . Hatchiny precentageof was dif ferent being 74.56% under laboratory condition (24+5oc) and 86.91% in the incubator at constand temperature(27oc).

There are six larval instars consumed about 0.7gm of pistachio nuts , ma king several tunnels of different sizes in their foot substrate,Athick web covered with food particles resulted durng heauy infestation .Developmonts of the immature.Stages Under laboratory and incubator condition revealed no significant differences .The insect had seven generations the last one wes the longest as this insect overwintered in the form of fully grown l arva.

Ln an attempt to control this pest the following organophosphourus  insecticides (Dursban sumithion and Malathion) were used against third.

And sixth instar larvae . The obtained results revealed that third instar Larvae were more susceptible to the above insecticides. Using olive oil and thanite as synergists resulted in a conspicuous increase in the Killing rate



How to Cite

Benian, M. A. (2013). Studies on the Indian meal moth plodia interpunctella Hub.(pyralididae:Lepid) and its control by som insecticides. Journal of Kerbala for Agricultural Sciences, 1(1), 97–108.



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