Comparing the effect of bio and organic fertilizers on some growth factors and yield of broad bean


  • Fadhel Safe Johe AL-Kinany agriculture of college/ Kerbala of university



             Field experiment was conducted  in Hatamia / Balad ( 2014 ) using C.R.D design with three treatment to investigate and comparing  the effect of  biofertiizer  of     Rhizobium  leguminosarum  and  organic  manure (sheep res) with the recommended chemical fertilization on some growth factors and yield of broad bean. Results showed that  significant differences among organic residues and biofertiizer with the reommanded chemical fertilizer  for all studied parameters. Treatment of biofertiizers was the best on plant height 50.4 cm , number of branches 13.6/ pant , dry weight 16.98 gm , chlorophyll content 54.1mg.g-1 , protein percentage 26.39%, weight of 100 grains 195.46 gm , and total yield 1848.41 kg.ha-1 compared with  reommanded chemical fertilizer  addition , that gave lowest means in the studied parameters respectely ( 41.7 cm, 10.2 /plant, 11.97 gm, 51.6 mg.g-1, 24.13% , 162.27 gm, and 1684.93 kg.ha-1 ).          This studying showed that we can use Bacteria  Rhizobium  leguminosarum  as a biofertilizer  with broad bean to improve growth an can be retained  60 – 70 %  from nitrogen fertilizer.



How to Cite

AL-Kinany, F. S. J. (2016). Comparing the effect of bio and organic fertilizers on some growth factors and yield of broad bean. Journal of Kerbala for Agricultural Sciences, 3(1), 164–171.



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