Authors Frequently Asked Questions

1. How can I submit my manuscript to Al Bahith Journal?

Authors can submit their manuscripts through the journal’s online submission system or via email to the editorial office. All submissions must follow the journal’s formatting and referencing guidelines.

2. What types of articles does the journal accept?

The journal accepts:

  • Original Research Papers
  • Review Articles
  • Case Studies
  • Book Reviews
  • Theoretical and Applied Studies

3. Is there a submission fee?

No, the journal does not charge any submission fees. However, Article Processing Charges (APCs) may apply upon acceptance. Authors will be informed of any applicable fees.

4. How long does the peer review process take?

The double-blind peer review process typically takes 4 to 8 weeks, depending on reviewer availability and revisions.

5. How can I track the status of my submission?

Authors will receive email notifications at each stage of the review process. They can also contact the editorial office for updates.

6. Can I submit my manuscript to another journal while it is under review?

No. Al Bahith Journal follows an exclusive submission policy, meaning the manuscript should not be under review elsewhere.

7. What are the journal’s plagiarism policies?

The journal strictly follows anti-plagiarism guidelines. Manuscripts are screened using plagiarism detection software. If plagiarism is found, the manuscript will be rejected immediately.

8. What licensing and copyright policies does the journal follow?

The journal follows open-access licensing, allowing authors to retain copyright while granting public access under a Creative Commons (CC) license.

9. Does the journal provide certificates of publication?

Yes, authors receive an official publication certificate upon the successful publication of their paper.

10. How can I become a reviewer or editorial board member?

Interested researchers can apply by submitting their CV and research profile to the editorial team.