Pure Sciences International Journal of Kerbala
Pure Sciences International Journal of Kerbala (PSIJK) is published in four issues annually- starting from January 2021- emphasize on the main science aspects whose elaboration can yield knowledge and expertise that can equally serve all branches of science discipline.
كلية القانون - مؤتمر التنظيم القانوني لتطبيقات الذكاء الاصطناعي الدولي
International Conference on Legal Regulation of Artificial Intelligence Applications - مؤتمر التنظيم القانوني لتطبيقات الذكاء الاصطناعي الدولي
Karbala Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Kerbala Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences is a peer-reviewed academic journal published semi-annually by the College of Pharmacy at University of Karbala. First launched in 2010, the journal covers all aspects of pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences including pharmacology, toxicology, pharmacognosy, clinical pharmacy, industrial pharmacy, pharmaceutical chemistry, biochemistry, and microbiology related to drugs and medicines. Kerbala Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences provides a forum for disseminating innovative research, new discoveries, and practical applications in all fields of pharmacy.
Kerbala International Journal of Management and Economics
Kerbala International Journal of Management and Economics (KIJME) is a scholarly journal published by the University of Kerbala, officially authorized by Iraq's Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research. Established in 2010 by the Faculty of Management and Economics, the journal was originally titled "مجلة كلية الادارة والاقتصاد" and published exclusively in Arabic. At that time, it followed a manual peer-review process and was available only in printed format.
In June 2024, the journal underwent a significant transformation, including a name change to Kerbala International Journal of Management and Economics, granted by official permission from the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research in Iraq. This change was introduced under the leadership of Associate Professor Mohammed Faez Hasan, a newly appointed expert in finance, to reflect the journal's expanded international focus. Alongside the rebranding, the journal transitioned to an English-only publication format and adopted the modern Open Journal Systems (OJS) platform to improve global accessibility, enhance the review process, and meet the standards of prestigious academic indexing systems.
Despite its evolution, the journal preserves its legacy by maintaining access to its previous Arabic-language publications, which can be explored (50 Issues) here. With its new name and digital platform, KIJME aspires to be a prominent venue for high-quality research in management and economics, fostering scholarly dialogue on a global scale.
Journal Information StatementShort Name : (KIJME).Frequency : Semi-annual ( 2 issues per Year).Languages : English only.Published From :2010 till now.ISSN : 2790-7910 (Electronic) and 2221-5794 (Print).Publisher : University of Kerbala.Location : Kerbala, IraqDOI prefix: 10.63540Article Processing Charges (APC) : 150,000 ID ( for national Authors) or 100$ ( for Foreigners ) with 100% waive for Foreigner Authors till July 2025. -
مجــلـة كــــربـلاء لعــلــوم التــربيــــة الـريــاضــــيــة Karbala Journal of Physical Education Sciences
مجلة علمية دورية تصدر عن كلية التربية البدنية وعلوم الرياضة/ جامعة كربلاء
Al-Bahith Journal
The Journal of Al-Baheth is a peer-reviewed academic journal issued by the College of Education for Human Sciences at the University of Karbala. It focuses on publishing original research in various fields of humanities, including literature, history, sociology, and educational sciences. The journal's mission is to foster the advancement of knowledge and provide a platform for researchers, educators, and scholars to share innovative ideas and empirical findings with the academic community.
Journal of Kerbala for Agricultural Sciences
Journal Summary
The Journal of Kerbala for Agricultural Sciences (JKAS)® stands as an international scientific beacon and an open-access platform, employing a rigorous double-anonymous peer-review process. Our commitments extend to both online and print dissemination. Also, the journal is committed to making research accessible without financial or legal barriers. JKAS is dedicated to disseminating groundbreaking research that holds intrinsic value and significance, aiming to address and resolve challenges within the agricultural sciences in Iraq and beyond, contributing meaningfully to global knowledge.
Iraqi Journal for Administrative Sciences
The Iraqi Journal for Administrative Sciences is listed among the scientific journals approved for scientific promotion, according to the official book issued by the Iraqi Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research/Department of Research and Development, according to the official book No. BT/71 on 11/1/2005.
Deposit number in the Iraq National Library and Archives: Baghdad 725 of 2001 AD
The Iraqi Journal for Administrative Sciences, with the International Standard Serial Numbers (ISSN P.1818-1074; ISSN E.2958-6941), is a peer-reviewed international scientific journal published quarterly by the College of Administration and Economics at the University of Karbala/Iraq. It focuses on administrative, accounting, statistical, and economic studies. The journal aims to stimulate scientific research and be included in reputable international databases. It provides researchers with a significant opportunity to evaluate their work scientifically through stringent peer-review processes. The journal encourages scholarly communication, presenting research to achieve scientific dialogue, and utilizing research results in the service of scientific inquiry. All areas of business administration (management, economics, accounting, financial and banking sciences, statistics).
Address: Iraq - Holy Karbala Governorate - Karbala University - University City - Fariha area
Faculty of Administration and Economics -
Deanship building - first floor -
Karbala Journal of Medicine
Karbala Journal of Medicine (ISSN: 1990-5483 (Print) E ISSN: 2958-0889 (online)) is a peer-reviewed published every six months by Karbala Medical College. The journal welcomes original articles, case reports, and letters to editors in all fields relevant to medicine. However, review articles of high standards will be considered. English languages must be used.
Submit a new manuscript via this link:
Kerbala Journal of Pure Sciences
The Journal of Kerbala University (JOKU) is a peer-reviewed multidisciplinary journal that aims to publish biannually the finest research articles in social medical, natural sciences, engineering and technology, and other subject areas. Submitted papers should describe original and previously unpublished works, not currently under review by another.
Provides a platform for dissemination of research findings, new research areas and techniques, conceptual developments, and articles with practical applications and contribution to society.
The research papers are subject to scientific evaluation by professional panelists and they are published in English languages. -
Risalat Al-Huquq Journal
العناوين الأخرىRisalat al-Huquq Journal
مجلة رسالة الحقوق العلميةالناشر: جامعة كربلاء - كلية القانون
دولة النشر: العراق
ردمد (النسخة الورقية): 2075-2032
وتيرة الصدور: فصلي
معلومات التواصل
الايميل :
الهاتف : 009647807696496الموقع الإلكتروني :التخصصات الرئيسة: القانون
Iraqi future for political and strategic studies
مجلة المستقبل العراقي للدراسات السياسية والاستراتيجية
مجلة علمية نصف سنوية تصدر عن مركز الدراسات الاستراتيجية – جامعة كربلاء، تُعنى بنشر الابحاث والدراسات السياسية والاستراتيجية والتخصصات الاخرى ذات العلاقة بالعلوم السياسية من داخل وخارج العراق بعد استيفائها المتطلبات العلمية وشروط النشر المنصوص عليها في المجلة. وتم اعتمادها لاغراض النشر والترقيات العلمية ومسجلة ضمن موقع المجلات الاكاديمية العلمية العراقية بموجب كتاب وزارة التعليم العالي والبحث العلمي / دائرة البحث والتطوير رقم (ب ت ع/ 5512 في 25/6/2023) وذات رقم معياري (الترميز الدولي ISSN) (8240 - 2790) ويرأس هيئة التحرير فيها مدير مركز الدراسات الاستراتيجية، وحاليا هو (الاستاذ الدكتور أحمد كاظم بريس). وتضم هيئة التحرير نخبة من المتخصصين في العلوم السياسية ممن يحملون لقب (استاذ، استاذ مساعد) من داخل وخارج العراق. يتم نشر اعداد المجلة الكترونيا في حقل فرعي من الموقع الالكتروني للمركز، فضلا عن نشرها ورقيا.