The role of organizational integrity in enhancing strategic excellence
organizational integrity, strategic excellence, private universities in Erbil.Abstract
The Research aimed to investigate the availability of organizational integrity dimensions and strategic excellence, as well as to analyze the relationship and impact between them in the faculties' councils of private universities in the city of Erbil. A hypothetical model was designed, comprising Two main hypotheses, which were statistically tested using a questionnaire to collect data. Descriptive analytical methodology was employed to analyze the relationships and effects between variables, with the questionnaire serving as the data collection tool.
The main and sub-variables were described and analyzed for their relationships and impacts using descriptive analytical methodology. The research population consisted of all members of faculties' councils in private universities in Erbil, with their number totaling 117, as per data and statistics from the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research. Fifty-eight of them were selected to represent the research sample.
Hypotheses were tested using statistical analyses with SPSS V26 software. The research revealed high positive and significant relationships between organizational integrity dimensions and strategic excellence at both the overall and partial levels. The study recommends directing the strong relationship between the variables towards serving universities.
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