The effect of organizational improvisation on strategic Entrepreneurial - an analytical study of the opinions of a sample of employees in private banks in the governorates of the Middle Euphrates
organizational improvisation, strategic EntrepreneurialAbstract
The Study aims to tested the impact of Improvisation organizational on Strategic entrepreneurship , enalytic study of the views of a sample of employess in the private banks in provinces the middle al-furit , that have been selected communities to conduct the study in a total sample size (280) people representing leaders and workers in the private banks in the middle al-furit provinces . the study tried to answer several quations including what role improvisation organizational on strategic entrepreneurship and the nature of the current situation of the banks studied in the light of its performance and practices . to answer the quations raised were built study on two major assumptions each included six hypotheses subset , in order to verify the authenticity of the hypotheses that have been built as well as data processing that emerged from the answers the study sample has been used to program the statistical (Excel 2010) , after the selection of statistical methods appropriate and consistent with the hypotheses of the study being (Nonparametrice). The importance lies the study addressed the role that could be played organizational improvisational on strategic entrepreneurship , the study arrive at several from recommedations to strees necessity adopt practices and philosophy of organizational improvisation compared to the official practices based on proceduers and routines contribute to building a well-developed philosophy of improvisation and organizational scenarios and capabilities creative and blod , lead to a change reached to strategic enterepreneurship of the private banks studied , the study found a set of recommendations depend on the result of the study
أولاً : العربية
أ : الرسائل والاطاريح
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