The Moderating Effect of Green Intellectual Capital and its Dimensions on the Relationship Between Cleaner Production Strategy and Sustainable Supply Chain Management Practices: A Neural Network Analysis
Cleaner Production Strategy, Supply Chain Management Practices, Green Intellectual Capital, Moderation effect, Neural NetworkAbstract
The study aims to explore the moderating effect of the green intellectual capital and its dimensions (human, structural and relational, or social intellectual capital) on the relationship between the cleaner production strategy and the sustainable supply chain management practices using neural network analysis. Data were collected from 275 workers employed by the major Iraqi sugar and oil production company. Findings support the moderating effect of the green intellectual capital and its dimensions, with relational, or social capital exhibiting the strongest effect on the relationship between the cleaner production strategy and the sustainable supply chain management practices. This suggests that developing social capital, alongside the other two dimensions of the green intellectual capital, may contribute to the effective implementation of the cleaner production strategies conductive to the sustainable supply chain management practices.
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