Financial leverage and its impact on return and risk: an applied study in the Iraqi private service sector / an analytical study in Al-Mansour General Company
return, risk, LeverageAbstract
the modern financial ideology cares about the relationship betweenreturn
and riskbecauseitcause on the relationshipin the valueper shareand thenthevalue
of the business, andis known that theyieldand the consequentriskdepending on
therelationshipeternalbetweenreturn and risk, cannot befor them tobe
independentandisolated fromothervariablesother particularly with regard to the
composition ofthe financial structureanddeterminedfrom theratioof leverage.
hencethis study toshedlight on the natureof leverageandrangesimpact onreturn
and risk, through the application ofthe studyon theservice
companiesprivatecontributionregisteredin the Iraqi marketfor securities, as it
has beentakingsector Special servicesconsisting oftencompaniesduring the
period(2006 -2011), Thestudyfounda set of conclusions , mainly correlated
positively between variable leverage on the one hand and the return on
investment and risk on the other hand, and against which possible to identify
some recommendations including the need for attention to the positive
correlation between return and risk, and the need to take the variables contained
in a search by a combined when determining investment decisions and the
distribution of profits.
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