Rational expectations and some of its applications in macroeconomic


  • Monathel abbas hussain Economics and Administration College - Karbala University


Rational expectations, macroeconomic


Rational expectations consider the outcomes of advanced cash school (school of chicago) ,and studied of the macro economics or stystemic and are at the core expectations about the face of economic variables and economic polices such as monetary policy and interest rate and phillips curve and others, aimed to clarify the study of rational expectations and a statement important and unique features and formats (Kamaljp rariff ),and through the linked tools ,statistical and econometric models of behavior of the variables Altsadwi economic models and simultaneous equations linear fortuitum and fitness models and formulas Such as statistical probability density function so as to economic decision-making in,The future depending on building economic decisions to the past with the assumption that there is achange Large in economic variables or economic odels under study, the outlook Be rational (self), where the expectations of individuals or units inthefuture Large in economic variables or economic models under study, the outlook,Be rational (self), where the expectations
applyto,And their behavior (Outlook objective) be the adoption of
Tsiig appropriate economic, and the hypothesis of rational expectations be realizedequal expectations
Subjective and objective.



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Money, Credit and Banking 3 (August 1971), 50-60.

مصادر اخرى رات علاقة بنظرية التوقعات العقلانية:

-Leo Breiman, Probability, SIAM Reprint Edition, April 1992.

-Bryan Caplan, Spring 2000, “Rational Expectations,” Department of


-George Mason University, Lecture Notes (Week 4), online at


-F. S. Mishkin, 1996, “The Rational Expectations Revolution: A Review


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-John Muth, “Rational Expectations and the Theory of Price Movements,”


, July 1961, 315–335.

-Tom Sargent, 1993, Bounded Rationality in Macroeconomics, Clarendon


source :Adel abd al kani Mahboob,Lectures in econometric ,phd ,students,1998



How to Cite

مناضل عباس حسين. (2025). Rational expectations and some of its applications in macroeconomic. Iraqi Journal for Administrative Sciences, 8(32), 83–99. Retrieved from https://journals.uokerbala.edu.iq/index.php/ijas/article/view/3155