Response of different genetic groups of sheep to nutritional flushing in their reproductive performance


  • Hussein Mohammed Ali Jawad Animal Production Department, Agriculture College, University of Kerbala, Karbala, Iraq.
  • Ali Ahmed Alou Al-Qutbi Medical laboratory Technique Department, University of Al-Zahrawi, Karbala, Iraq.
  • Hafedh Mossa Ali Altaei Animal Production Department, Agriculture College, University of Al-Qasim Green, Iraq.



Nutritional Flushing, reproductive qualities, sheep aggregates (Naimi, Awassi Al-karakul bat, Al-Awassi Hamdani bat)


This research aims to find out the response of different groups of sheep to Nutritional Flushing and analyse the impact of this response on their reproductive performance, where 60 sheep of different ages were used in the experiment, 3 different groups of sheep breeds were selected (Naimi, Awasi karakul bat, Awasi Hamdani bat) and 3 control groups of the same breeds with 10 sheep per group agencies : the first treatment: - control group Pure Naimi sheep / 10 head, the second treatment: - control group Awasi bat + karakul / 10 heads, the third treatment: - control group sheep bat Awassi + Hamdani / 10 heads, the fourth treatment: - Nutritional Flushing group Pure Naimi sheep / 10 Ras, the fifth transaction: - Nutritional Flushing group al-mudrab Awasi + Karakul Sheep / 10 Ras, the sixth transaction: Nutritional Flushing group al-mudrab Awasi + Hamdani sheep / 10 Ras. The experimental groups were given a Nutritional Flushing of 3% of the animal's weight, concentrated feed six weeks before the fertilization process and six weeks before the birth process, with the provision of hay and free jet threshing as needed, in addition to water and mineral salts, the results of the experiment showed a moral superiority (P<0.05) in the fertility and fertilization rates, the percentage of births and the percentage of pregnancy and the ratio of twins and fertility, and we conclude that the treatment with Nutritional Flushing for the three groups of sheep (Naimi, Awasi mudrab The use of a Nutritional Flushing for the three sheep groups at a concentration of 3 % of the animal's weight six weeks before the fertilization process and six weeks before the birth process, with the provision of hay and free jet threshing as needed, in addition to water and mineral salts, has given the best results compared to natural feeding(control group).




How to Cite

Hussein Mohammed Ali Jawad, Ali Ahmed Alou Al-Qutbi, & Hafedh Mossa Ali Altaei. (2024). Response of different genetic groups of sheep to nutritional flushing in their reproductive performance. Journal of Kerbala for Agricultural Sciences, 11(4), 36–43.