Evaluating the efficiency of some plant extracts in controlling the different stages of the peach fruit fly, Bactrocera zonata (Diptera: Tephritidae)


  • Karar Abdel Zahra Mahdi Saleh Al Abbas 1University of Karbala, College of Agriculture, Department of Plant Protection, Karbala, Iraq.
  • Akram Ali Mohammad 2University of Kufa, College of Agriculture, Department of Plant Protection, Najaf, Iraq.




aqueous extract, neem plant Azadirachta Indica, Peppermint plant Mentha piperita, Geranium plant, Pelargonium zonale, The peach fruit fly, Bactrocera zonata.


This study examined the efficiency of cold aqueous extract of geranium, neem, and peppermint plants in mortality in different stages of the peach fruit fly, Bactrocera zonata. The results indicated that each of the three extracts had an effect on the third larval instar. The results showed that neem extract had the highest effect on the third larval instar. The cumulative corrected mortality rate after 72 hours reached 67.3%, while the corrected mortality rate of larvae due to the effect of peppermint extract was 58.6%. As for the geranium extract had the least effect among the three extracts on the larval stage, as the corrected cumulative mortality rate reached 52%. As for the effect of the aqueous extracts of the three plants on the stage of pupation, the neem extract was the most effective among the three extracts, as the highest rate of non-emergence of adults at a concentration of 7% was 30%. As for peppermint extract, the mortality rate was 10%, while for geranium extract, the mortality rate was 6%, There was no effect on the pupal stage at the concentration of 3%. These compounds also showed a clear effect in repelling the adult stage, as the geranium extract had a significant impact in repelling insects, as the insect repellency rate reached 72.16%. As for the neem plant extract, the insect repellent rate was 50.03%, while the peppermint plant extract showed a 62% repellent rate for B. zonata adults.




How to Cite

Al Abbas , K. A. Z. M. S. ., & Mohammad, A. A. . (2025). Evaluating the efficiency of some plant extracts in controlling the different stages of the peach fruit fly, Bactrocera zonata (Diptera: Tephritidae). Journal of Kerbala for Agricultural Sciences, 12(1), 73–83. https://doi.org/10.59658/jkas.v12i1.3242