Estimation of heterosis and combining ability by half diallel crossing in maize .


  • نوفل عدنان صبري عبد الجبار agriculture of college/ Anbar University



الذرة الصفراء , القابلية الاتلافية , التبادل النصفي , قوة


          Six inbred lines of corn (Zea mays L.) were studied planted (S6 , HS , AGR183 , ZP607  , ZM19R and ZM43R( to attain hybridization program of (Half – Diallel Cross). The research included 21 genotypes (6 parents + 15 hybrids) grown in fields of farmers field in AL- sofia area in east of Ramadi city in AL –anbar  for spring season 2013  by using RCBD design with three replications , to study heterosis and combining ability for characters (number of days to female flowering , number of plant ears, number of row grains, weight of 300 grains and individual plant yield .

     The research showed that there were significantly differences at for all characters, also showed that the hybrids (ZM43R×AGR183) , (AGR183×HS) showed desired heterosis for most characters studied as compared with mid parents . Two parents (HS and AGR183) showed general combining ability effects,while the hybrids (S6×HS) ‘ (ZP607×ZM43R) ، (AGR183×ZM43R) and  (HS×AGR183( were showed high specific combining ability effects in most of the studied characters .



How to Cite

عبد الجبار ن. ع. ص. (2015). Estimation of heterosis and combining ability by half diallel crossing in maize . Journal of Kerbala for Agricultural Sciences, 2(1), 136–146.



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