هذه نسخة قديمة منشورة في 2023-04-27. إقرأ النسخة الأحدث.

Assessment of Noise levels at Main Traffic Intersections in the Baghdad City


  • Hussain Ahmed University of Kerbala

الكلمات المفتاحية:

Noise Pollution، Noise Levels and Baghdad City


The aim of the research measures of the noise levels at the main traffic intersections in Baghdad city and to indicate their health effects on citizens and to identify their various sources which are difficult to control by using a noise level meter. The results of this study showed that the noise levels at all measuring sites are high, which compared with the permissible limits of the World Health Organization (WHO) and proposed determinants of the Iraqi environment Ministry. The highest level of noise is reached (94 dB) in the Al-Tahrir Square intersection in the Al-Rusafa side, while the lowest level of noise in Palestine Street, reached (77dB) in the Rock Restaurant intersection. In the Al-Karkh side, the highest level of noise reached (93 dB) in the Al-Bayah intersection, while the lowest level of noise reached (80 dB) in the Mr Milk intersection at Al-Mansur city.

   The reason for these increases in noise levels is due to transportations and crowded traffic impact, besides, most of the Baghdad areas are densely populated with an increase in the service and commercial areas. Also, an increasing of vehicles and motorcycles number for all types that using the excessively alarm, especially by the young people who are driving the vehicles and some young people are using the sports vehicles or dual-exhaust. All measurements of noise levels in traffic intersections of Baghdad city It may adversely effect on the health of the city's residents, especially hearing sense; the nervous system and neurological tensions which could be lead to a mental breakdown — also causing unbalanced reactions such as straying mental and reduce the ability to concentrate, as well as high blood pressure and others.



2023-04-03 — تم تحديثه في 2023-04-27
