Role of Spiri tual Leadership in Sustainable Organize tonal performance
- Auoly tical Study of Opinions of a sample of employees in Imam Hussein Holy Shrine
spiritual leadership, sustainable organizational performance, the Hussainiya Holy ShrineAbstract
The current study aims to determine the role of spiritual leadership as an independent variable in enhancing and affecting the sustainable organizational performance as a dependent variable according to the opinions of a sample of the Imam Hussainiya Holy Shrine employees. Altruism, meaning, membership) and the sustainable organizational performance was measured in three sub-dimensions, namely (environmental axis, economic axis, social axis), where the problem of the study was what is the level of spiritual leadership and the importance of each dimension of its dimensions in the holy Husseiniya threshold and what level of sustainable organizers performance in the holy Husseiniya threshold included The sample of the study was on the workers of the Hussainiya Holy Shrine in Karbala Governorate, as the researcher used the questionnaire as a main tool in collecting data and information for the study sample members. To, several conclusions were made, the most important of which was (that the spiritual leadership variable improves and supports the role of sustainable organizational performance, and what it has the effect of leadership on spirituality” on organizational performance) and the study concluded with a number of appropriate recommendations, the most prominent of which was (emphasizing the leaders of the Hussainiya Holy Shrine by giving confidence to the employees and workers at the threshold and working to lift barriers between them by taking their opinions and suggestions and their participation in decision-making).
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