Employing the perceived external position through organizational integration in enhancing the job performance of teachers - an analytical research in the colleges of the University of Karbala


  • Salah al-dean Awad Al-Kubaisy
  • Mithaq Hatif Alfatlawi


Perceived external status, organizational integration, and job performance


This research aims to determining effect of Organizational Status Dynamics in excellence performance. To achieve that, two dimensions was based for Organizational Status Dynamics. These dimensions are Perceived external prestige and perceived internal respect as explanation variables. Organizational identification was considered as mediator variable which included four dimensions : identification, disidentification, natural identification and ambivalent identification. In other side, excellence performance was used as respond variable which indicate to five level are : excellence performance, very good performance, good performance, accept performance and poor performance.
This research conducted in colleges of Karbala University. Information for empirical aspect was obtained by questionnaire and data base of university about teacher\'s performance appraisal where sample size was 203 individuals from teachers.
Several statistical tools were used by this study in empirical aspect. In measurement aspect used exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis, and in statistical descriptive used means and standardized deviation while in hypotheses testing aspect used correlation, regression and structural equation modeling. This research reached to set of results can summarized that there related relationship and direct effect between perceived external prestige and excellence performance and indirect partial effect by organizational identification (mediator variable) while others dimensions of organizational identification respect didn\'t achieve positive relationship with excellence performance. In the end, set of conclusions and recommendations was formulated.



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How to Cite

صلاح الدين عواد الكبيسي, & ميثاق هاتف الفتلاوي. (2025). Employing the perceived external position through organizational integration in enhancing the job performance of teachers - an analytical research in the colleges of the University of Karbala. Iraqi Journal for Administrative Sciences, 9(37), 84–121. Retrieved from https://journals.uokerbala.edu.iq/index.php/ijas/article/view/3024