Job satisfaction of staff (teaching, technical and administrative): A case study at the Technical Institute / Babylon


  • Researcher Economics and Administration College - Karbala University


This research try to focus on the subject of professional convenient and its significance according to individual workers in organization and willing to towards filling their needs and wishes and achieving professional convenient until reaching to achieve basic goals to organization , where , choosing technical institute of Babylon to apply the practical side to this research , and depending on questionnaire as a style to commutate the date . I test the research assumptions and earning find results by using computer program me ( spss ) and reached to group of conclusions .


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سلم ماسلو للحاجات



How to Cite

حسن جبر علوان. (2025). Job satisfaction of staff (teaching, technical and administrative): A case study at the Technical Institute / Babylon. Iraqi Journal for Administrative Sciences, 8(34), 129–143. Retrieved from