The impact of business strategies on choosing a supply chain strategy
business strategies, supply chain strategyAbstract
The times at which the customer accept what is offered to him is no longer
existed, he is now chooses what he needs and what is suitable for him and he
wants even the matter exceeded this, to the extent that the customer specified
the price suitable to him, and the global competition, requires re- consider the
follow-up strategies, and managing the affairs and the projects in a different no-
n classical way .
This research has discussed the business strategies as independent
variable and the strategy of supply chain as dependent variable, and included
the two variables and sub- variables and these variables has been interacted to
form the frame on which the research has concentrated, and which aims at
limiting the effect of business strategies in choosing the strategy of supply chain,
and for constructing and developing the industrial sector in Iraq, it has chosen
two companies as community for the research ( the state company for leather
industries and the state company for wool industries), and choosing intended
sample represented by the two and the first levels managers means the
company managers and the departments manager of(60 ) manager form the two
companies, and divided in to ( 30) manger from each company.
The questionnaire has been depended as basic instrument to collect data
and the form of personal interview to know the two companies reality
concerning the research.
And according of the measurement of the research variables and detecting
them and examining the liaison correlation and the effect amongst them, the
research has reached to a number of conclusion most important of them was the
existence of correlation liaison and effect of significant evidence among the
business strategies and the strategy supply chain in the two addressed
companies, and the most important recommendations, the managers suitability
and inconsistence of the business strategies with the strategy of provision series,
and all the strategies required coordination decision from the upper
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