Administrative empowerment and its impact on enhancing the performance and creativity of employees - a field study in the General Company for Iraqi Ports
Administrative empowerment,, employee performance and creativityAbstract
This research aims to demonstrate the impact of Managerial Empowerment
in enhancing of the Employees Performance and Innovation in General
Company of Iraqi Ports in Basra, which the researcher hypothesized that, and
she adopted theoretically on the sources of Arabic and foreign in the literature of
modern management, and practical on the style of descriptive statistics through
a form questionnaire. The research concluded the importance of Managerial
Empowerment in the work of the company by raisingthe performance level of
employees and their sense of job satisfaction and loyalty and their affiliation to
the company as well as readiness to provide innovative approaches to work.The
most important recommended by the study is to increase the focus on the
applications’ of concept managerial empowerment in high level as one of the
modern management techniques, which improves the performance of the
organization in light of changing circumstances in the Iraqi environment.
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