Enhance the mental status of the banking service through internal marketing practices An Empirical Study in a sample of private banks in the province of Baghdad


  • Ghasan qasem dawood Economics and Administration College - Karbala University
  • Hussain ali abdulrasoul Economics and Administration College - Karbala University
  • Hussam hussain sheaeaa Economics and Administration College - Karbala University


mental status, banking service, internal marketing, private banks in the province of Baghdad


The present study has been trying to promote mental status carried by the customer for the service obtained from private banks, was based on one of contemporary technologies in the field of marketing which is based on the skill of the human resource through some of the practices that frame in the field of internal marketing as a contemporary concept can be alleviated wave challenges faced by Iraqi banks, and the selection of a sample of four civil banks operating in the city of Baghdad, and used the questionnaire as the main tool to collect data from individuals working in these banks. The researchers used a set of statistical tools as (the arithmetic mean, and standard deviation, Cronbach alpha coefficient, test T, and F-test) for the analysis of the data collected through the sample answers to the questionnaire. The study concluded with a set of conclusions and recommendations reached by the results of the field study and the most important, and there is significant correlation between internal marketing procedures and the ability to portray a good mental place in the mind of the customer service provided. The study also provided some recommendations for a study sample of banks, mainly the need to promote a culture of marketing among workers without exception, to establish one of the most important contemporary marketing assets, which stipulates that the customer is Mr., which is always right.



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How to Cite

غسان قاسم داود اللامي, حسين علي عبد الرسول, & حسام حسين شياع. (2025). Enhance the mental status of the banking service through internal marketing practices An Empirical Study in a sample of private banks in the province of Baghdad. Iraqi Journal for Administrative Sciences, 8(32), 22–44. Retrieved from https://journals.uokerbala.edu.iq/index.php/ijas/article/view/3153