IT recruitment in improving the quality of banking service Empirical Study comparison between government and private banks
IT, quality of banking service, government and private banksAbstract
strengthening there activities and develop performance levels in order to fulfill their goals and needs with successfully and competence. Thus ,banking Organizations ,in particular ,become able to adopt the main principles of information Technology ,use the tools required for maintaining the traditional strategies in bank works ,and to make better changes in their services which are given to the customers . This study deals with investigating information technology which represents the independent variable with for(including machines and tools, programmers, communications ,and human resources) as well as investigating the dependent variable, in its dimensions (which include Reality, responsiveness', Accessibility , Competence , Communications, Credibility , Understanding Customer , Security , Tangibles) descriptive and analytic methods .It also compares the importance of the variables identified and interpret the role of information Technology in reinforcing the performance of bank services. In addition ,the study aims to answer creation questions according to which the theoretical part of the study is based ,and to reform nine hypotheses that test the ties in terms of their relations ,difference ,
and effect .
The study is based upon a number of ready-made international meters. which are developed .The data are collected from(87)workers and costumers in six governmental and public bank ,by means of depending developed statistical, descriptive, and prescriptive techniques based on(SPSS 10) order.
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