Monetary policy implications in the indicators of stock market trading (U.S. Empirical Study for the period 1990 - 2010 / Using models of underdevelopment time)


  • Abbas Kathim Al-Daami Economics and Administration College - Karbala University


Paper markets play a significant role in setting the bases for economic development that is stable because such markets are regarded as the important channels to ratify and apply monetary policies which are considered the basic goal for the latter to achieve monetary stability and the fight of rising unemployment levels. This makes the monetary policies a measure for success of such policies. They are also regarded a basis for local investment and drawing foreign investment. The choice of the US as a case study is because of two reasons; the first is that because NY market is the biggest market; the second lies in the ability of Federal Bank of applying its monetary policies which are regarded a world patter. Hence, the choice of the most significant policy monetary influences of the US which are Money display, interest price, and the most significant monetary indicators which is the general price indicator and also the market value indicator, and the circulation size. The study also adds an independent variable Resented by the Time backwardness represented by the past stocks prices. The standard results reflecting circulation indicators (relied variables) its response to changes occurring in displaying money and also in previous stocks and eliminating the impact of the other variable which is the price interest because it is related to the money display indicator. The study also proves the role of the monetary variable and the motion of previous indicators of circulation of NY paper markets>
The standard results reached, push in the direction of the possibility of using monetary policy in influencing economic activity via the paper market channel and through the impact of circulation indicators.


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مخطط يوضح الأسباب المؤدية إلى حدوث الأزمة المالية العالمية



How to Cite

Abbas Kathim Al-Daami. (2025). Monetary policy implications in the indicators of stock market trading (U.S. Empirical Study for the period 1990 - 2010 / Using models of underdevelopment time). Iraqi Journal for Administrative Sciences, 8(32), 195–216. Retrieved from