Characteristics of the international manager in light of the phenomenon of world-class business organizations


  • Alaa Farhan Talib Technical Covenant - Karbala


International Director, Business Organizations


The modern era has been associated with an ancient global phenomenon with newly developed roots, the phenomenon of “international business organizations whose roots extend back to before the nineteenth century. However, the scientific and technical inventions that appeared in the nineteenth century in both Europe and the United States of America helped in the emergence of these organizations that manufacture It produces goods in many countries, an example of which is the German company Siemens, which appeared in the fifties of the nineteenth century and was distinguished by the spread of its branches in England and Russia, the McCormick Company, and the Singer Sewing Machine Company, among others. However, the trend towards internationalization increased in the early twentieth century, and many international companies were transformed into companies, including (Swiss telematics companies). And in the sixties, other organizations, such as (Unilever) and (Royal Dish), appeared to this day. Their number increased after the development of communications and transportation technology. It worked to bring people closer together until, In the 1980s, thanks to satellites, the prophecy of Marshall McCoohan was fulfilled. They announced in the 1960s that the world, due to the amazing progress in the media, was heading towards becoming a small global prey.



How to Cite

علاء فرحان طالب. (2001). Characteristics of the international manager in light of the phenomenon of world-class business organizations. Iraqi Journal for Administrative Sciences, 1(1), 121–140. Retrieved from