The impact of artificial intelligence in improving the quality of administrative decisions


  • Iman Hato Jahloul University of Basrah, College of Administration and Economics
  • Wameedh A. Khdair University of Basrah, College of Administration and Economics
  • Arafat Naser Jasim al-yousuf University of Basrah, College of Administration and Economics


artificial intelligence – administrative decisions Mobile communications company in Iraq Asia Cell


The research aims to identify the role of artificial intelligence in improving the quality of administrative decisions. To achieve this goal, we relied on the dimensions of artificial intelligence (training and development, suitability, effectiveness) and the dimensions of administrative decision (time dimension, decision quality, decision acceptance). The importance of the research comes from the importance of the administrative decision of organizations and the major role it plays in providing solutions to problems and choosing alternatives that serve the organization’s goals. Artificial intelligence is also one of the most important factors that lead to the creation of knowledge and ideas that contribute to improving the decision-making process. The research community was represented by a sample of managers from Asia Cell Communications Company,The research included 50 managers, and by following the descriptive analytical approach, the statistical results of the research confirmed the validity of the research hypothesis that there is an impact of artificial intelligence in improving the quality of administrative decisions in the mobile communications company Asia Cell. The company relies on implementing a program based on artificial intelligence, through administrative leaders who implement artificial intelligence programs using a computer network linking the main center to the branches - and therefore it was recommended to focus more on attracting and selecting candidates for employment who possess scientific and practical experience in the field of artificial intelligence. In addition to training workers to master the use of artificial intelligence programs and its applications.


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How to Cite

إيمان هاتو جهلول, وميض عبد الزهرة خضير, & عرفات ناصر جاسم يوسف. (2024). The impact of artificial intelligence in improving the quality of administrative decisions . Iraqi Journal for Administrative Sciences, 20(79), 116–135. Retrieved from