Organizational flexibility and its relationship to crisis management

بحث تطبيقي في الشركة العامة للسكك الحديدية


  • Saad Mahdi Hussien Al-Turath University College


Organizational resilience, Crisis management


     The research aims to study organizational resilience in its dimensions (human resources flexibility - functional flexibility - financial flexibility - structural flexibility - operational flexibility) and its relationship and impact on crisis management with its dimensions represented by (the stage of discovery and early warning - the stage of preparation and prevention - the stage of containing and limiting the crisis – the activity recovery stage – the learning stage), and the research problem was the extent of the correlation and impact of organizational resilience in crisis management and the role of this flexibility in reducing the impact of crises to which the researched company is exposed. The research was conducted in the General Railway Company / General Center, and it was approved  . On the descriptive analytical method, a random sample of (80) individuals from the company was tested, and the questionnaire was employed as a main tool for collecting data and information. Efficiency supported by a structure that has the ability to adapt to the changes surrounding the company. The researcher also recommended the necessity of strengthening the organizational culture that supports organizational flexibility, with the company adopting a flexible organizational structure that responds to the changes surrounding the company.

Author Biography

Saad Mahdi Hussien , Al-Turath University College



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المخطط الفرضي للدراسة



How to Cite

سعد مهدي حسين. (2024). Organizational flexibility and its relationship to crisis management: بحث تطبيقي في الشركة العامة للسكك الحديدية . Iraqi Journal for Administrative Sciences, 19(77), 228–249. Retrieved from