Analyzing the reality of financial control from the point of view of employees in higher education institutions


  • Hakim Mohsen Muhammad College of Administration and Economics - University of Karbala
  • Salah Mahdi Jawad College of Administration and Economics - University of Karbala


Financial control from the employees’ point of view


Higher education institutions nowadays face several challenges, including the vast scientific and information developments that have occurred and are occurring in the world, which requires these institutions to adapt to modern trends by developing their various activities to keep pace with these rapid developments. This research aims to identify the reality of higher education institutions. Which has a clear role in the development of societies due to its association with thought, science, and civilization, and contributes to the preparation of competent leaders that lead to the accomplishment of their tasks in the best way. Therefore, higher education institutions cannot perform their functions successfully and effectively unless there is proper planning, clear organization, effective communication, and decision-making. Rationalize and evaluate objective performance, and finally achieve continuous oversight. On the contrary, any of these institutions (universities) that does not exercise these functions will certainly fail in achieving what it aims to achieve. Therefore, it must study from time to time the goals that have been set to evaluate the performance of its activities or develop its set goals to increase their effectiveness.

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How to Cite

حاكم محسن محمد, & صلاح مهدي جواد. (2024). Analyzing the reality of financial control from the point of view of employees in higher education institutions. Iraqi Journal for Administrative Sciences, 5(18), 1–27. Retrieved from