Sustainable development is a new path in modern development theories


  • Kadhim Ahmed Al-Battat College of Administration and Economics - University of Karbala


Sustainable development, modern development theories


The first proposals for growth and economic development indicated that their achievement was linked to quantitative increases in gross domestic product, without taking into account what affected the balance of environmental factors. After that, the concept of economic development with an environmental dimension was reached. The development of the new development thought received the name sustainable development, which appeared in development literature since the late eighties of the last century, and its dimensions were completed after the Earth Summit in 1992. It differs from the initial conception of sustainable development, which meant continued development without taking into account its relationship with the environment. Although classical economists realize the importance of environmental factors in determining economic activity, interest in the sustainable environment as a philosophy and an important principle that guides economic development and environmental management did not appear until a few decades ago. Interest in the environmental dimension in the economic development process came in light of global interest in the environment and the increasing number of non-governmental organizations and companies concerned with it. In 1990, the United Nations issued a forward-looking report in the economic, social and environmental fields for the year 2000, which focused on the importance of sustainable development in strengthening justice by providing the necessary resources for development at the international level and within different economies. At the Earth Summit in 1992, one of the most important fundamental issues raised was the development and implementation of strategies and procedures to achieve sustainable development, compared to the previous period in which environmental considerations were not taken seriously in development planning, especially in developing countries, not only as a result of ignorance to eliminate this behavior, but there were no expectations of the dangers. Therefore, the application of sustainable development in its broad sense, which combines economic development and environmental protection, is a superficial and limited application

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How to Cite

كاظم احمد البطاط. (2024). Sustainable development is a new path in modern development theories. Iraqi Journal for Administrative Sciences, 5(18), 83–121. Retrieved from