Measuring the dimensions of market orientation-a study in a children’s clothing factory in the city of Mosul


  • darman sulaiman sadeq College of Administration and Economics - University of Mosul


Dimensions of market orientation


This research deals with the study and analysis of the concept of market orientation and the analysis of the most important variables that can reflect their effects on the performance of business organizations. Interest in the idea of market orientation is due to the economic transformations from planned economies to free economies, or market economies and the privatization processes that have taken place and may take place in different countries.
As business organizations change their needs by changing environmental conditions and being affected by international changes, and for the organizations to maintain their survival and continuity, they try to keep up with these changes. For this reason, they seek to pay attention to the products in quality and quantity, and even in terms of cost and prices, and then distribute according to the best channels in providing the service from Where speed and lower cost, the research was conducted in one of the business organizations whose activity focuses on producing a commodity that consumers need at an early age. The research came with conclusions and recommendations that may be useful to the organization’s management.

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How to Cite

درمان سليمان صادق. (2024). Measuring the dimensions of market orientation-a study in a children’s clothing factory in the city of Mosul. Iraqi Journal for Administrative Sciences, 5(21), 85–109. Retrieved from