The effect of marketing Ambidexterity on improving service quality

An analytical study of the opinions of a sample of workers at Al Kafil Specialist Hospital in the holy Karbala Governorate


  • Fouad Hammoudi Al-Attar
  • Osama Hamza Aboud Al-Mamouri


Quality of Service, Marketing Ambidexterity


    The current research aims to investigate the effect of marketing Ambidexterity on improving service quality. A sample of workers at the Kafeel Specialist Hospital in the holy governorate of Karbala was chosen to conduct the research with a volume of (106) workers, and experimental measures were drawn from previous studies to verify the hypotheses, through a variety of statistical tools and methods for analyzing and processing data and information using packages Statistical needed through empirical factor analysis to verify structural confirmatory validity of the measures used in this research, simple correlation matrix and structural modeling equation for research hypotheses and SPSS vr. 23 program and Amos vr. 23 program. Searching to a set of the most important conclusions (awareness of the hospital administration, which is greatly researched for the variable of service quality, and this is shown by having medical equipment and modern equipment with international specifications to provide the service, as well as the reliability of its services provided, especially with regard to providing the service to patients correctly and accurately as announced) In the light of the conclusions, a set of recommendations has been formulated, the most prominent of which (the need to enhance interest by the hospital administration researched by workers is to understand the proper entrance to ensure quality of service and a major source for building a long-term relationship between the hospital and its disease, through following incentive incentive programs And support the creators of them).


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How to Cite

فؤاد حمودي العطار, & اسامة حمزة عبود المعموري. (2024). The effect of marketing Ambidexterity on improving service quality: An analytical study of the opinions of a sample of workers at Al Kafil Specialist Hospital in the holy Karbala Governorate. Iraqi Journal for Administrative Sciences, 17(69), 90–118. Retrieved from