An analytical exploratory study for opinions of a workers sample in the Iraqi Airways Company


  • Mohammed Hussien Manhal
  • Marwa Ibrahim Zaid


Knowledge orchestration, organizational performance, , Iraqi Airways


The aviation service plays a crucial role by being the most important means of transportation available in terms of speed, comfort and safety and the Iraqi Airways Company is the official company for air transport in Iraq, therefore any problem it suffers from is a problem for the state in general

  However, the share of the transport services sector, especially air transport, from studies in the field of knowledge management is very little if compared to the rest of the service sectors, such as health and education. so , The purpose of the study was to identify the influence of  knowledge orchestration  in the organizational performance  in Iraqi Airways.

 ,also    questionnaire was adopted as a data collection tool for   purpose of hypothesis testing, 305 questionnaires were distributed to the company's employees in the section (Commercial, Aircraft Security, Technical, Aviation Operations) and analyzed it using SPSS V.22 and AMOS V.22.

The results  study showed that there is a direct positive impact of the knowledge orchestration  with its five dimensions (knowledge mobilization  , knowledge sharing, knowledge acquisition, knowledge integration, knowledge  coordination  ) in company  performance  , which  it reflects positively on (financial performance, customers - market, operations, employee development, Preparing for the future).


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How to Cite

محمد حسين منهل, & مروه إبراهيم زيد. (2024). THE EFFECT OF KNOWLEDGE ORCHESTRATION IN ORGANIZATION PERFORMANCE: An analytical exploratory study for opinions of a workers sample in the Iraqi Airways Company. Iraqi Journal for Administrative Sciences, 16(66), 98–122. Retrieved from