
  • ALaa Farhan Talib
  • Hussein Hurajah ALHasnawi
  • Ahmed Abdul-Abbas Abdul-Kadhim


The objective of the research was to determine the role and level of direct impact of organizational intelligence among leaders in strengthening the value system at the level of a sample of members of the teaching staff of private universities and colleges in the holy city of Karbala, as organizational intelligence among leaders was measured by seven dimensions: (Strategic vision, common destiny, desire for change, emotional sense of belonging, harmony and congruence, dissemination of knowledge, and pressure of performance) (according to (Albrecht, 2002), and the value system was measured according to six dimensions are (affiliation values, compliance values, good values, support values, independence values , Values ​​and Values Dah) based on (Altueaniu,2010). The research relied on the descriptive analytical approach in presenting, analyzing, and interpreting information. The questionnaire also used a major tool in collecting data from a sample of (189) faculty members working in the researched private universities and colleges. A set of statistical methods were used that helped in analyzing the research data and the hypothesis test represented by the simple correlation analysis (Pearson) to measure the correlation relationships between the variables, and confirmatory factor analysis. (R2) was used to explain the effect of the independent variables on the dependent variable. Among the most important conclusions reached by the research is the presence of a direct and significant effect of organizational intelligence on the leaders in strengthening the value system.



المصـــــــــادر العربيـــــة

أولاً: الرسائل والاطاريح

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المصـــادر الأجنبيــة


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How to Cite

علاء فرحان طالب, حسين حريجة غالي, & احمد عبد العباس عبد الكاظم. (2024). THE ROLE OF ORGANIZATIONAL INTELLIGENCE FOR LEADERS IN REINFORCEMENT THE VALUE SYSTEM. Iraqi Journal for Administrative Sciences, 16(65), 23–61. Retrieved from