The impact of organizational culture patterns on organization social responsibility

Analytical research survey of the views of a sample of staff in the hospitals of Hussein and the sponsor


  • Hawraa Thamer Mahdi
  • Ahmed Kadhum Baries


organizational culture patterns, social responsibility, Al-Hussein Teaching Hospital, Al-Kafeel Specialist Hospital


     The present research aims to test the relationship between organizational culture patterns and the social responsibility of the organization in Al-Hussein educational hospitals and the specialized sponsor. In order to achieve the objective of the research, the data was collected using the questionnaire form from a sample of (146) respondents from Al-Hussein Teaching Hospital and from (114) respondents from Al-Kafeel Specialist Hospital. The questionnaire data were analyzed using a set of descriptive and inferential statistical analysis tools. The most important results were that Al-Kafeel Specialist adopts the clan culture and the Adherence culture, while the Hussein educational hospital adopts the market and hierarchy cultures. One of the most important recommendations was the need to pay attention to both the legal responsibility of the Al-Kafeel Specialist Hospital , and attention to promote the culture of clan and Adherence in the Hussein Teaching Hospital to promote creativity


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How to Cite

حوراء ثامر مهدي, & احمد كاظم بريس. (2024). The impact of organizational culture patterns on organization social responsibility: Analytical research survey of the views of a sample of staff in the hospitals of Hussein and the sponsor. Iraqi Journal for Administrative Sciences, 15(62), 136–159. Retrieved from