The effect of attention management on dynamic creativity abilities (An exploratory study in Asia Cell Mobile Communications Company)


  • Anwar Abd Ellah Mejbel College of Administration and Economics - University of Kerbala
  • Akrem Muhsin al-Yasiry College of Administration and Economics - University of Kerbala
  • faisel alwan Altie College of Administration and Economics - University of Kerbala


Attention Management; Dynamic Creativity Abilities


The research aims to determine the impact of attention management, with its sub-dimensions, on ability of dynamic creativity. The study used a scale (Bigolin et al., 2018:8) to measure attention management, which consists (stability of focus attention, vitality of topical attention, cohesion of distribution Structural attention), and the model (Lichtenthal & Muethel, 2012:1240), to measure dynamic creativity capabilities, which consists (environmental sensing ability, seizing ability, transformative ability), the descriptive analytical approach was adopted, where a questionnaire was used to collect data from 230 managers in all branches of the company, Statistical analysis was performed using descriptive statistical measures, Pearson correlation coefficient, structural equation modeling. The study concluded that applying attention management at the field level would enhance dynamic creativity capabilities. The study also recommended that the company's branches focus on formulating their future vision by identifying the needs of the future telecommunications market and learning from international companies.


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How to Cite

أنوار عبدالاله مجبل, أكرم محسن الياسري, & فيصل علوان الطائي. (2024). The effect of attention management on dynamic creativity abilities (An exploratory study in Asia Cell Mobile Communications Company). Iraqi Journal for Administrative Sciences, 20(81), 147–165. Retrieved from