Determine the most important factors affecting breast cancer using the logistic regression model

باستعمال نموذج الأنحدار اللوجستك


  • Abbas Hamid Abdel Hussein University of Ahl al-Bayt


Factors affecting cancer


The most important references that this search is referred to the usage of Logistic Regression function in binary data analysis of the research response. The study of the breast cancer has been done through the practical side by using 200 patients' charts. The dependent variables of the study outlines two responses: either the patient is under control or dead.   The variables explained in the research are eight. In the search are eight variables.

The experimental side of the second part refers to the results of the theoretical simulation programme which are: the Maximum Likelihood (ML) and the Minimum chi-square (MCS), accordingly, the estimation of the parameters of the using methods of the models have been determined by the sum of the square errors of the models.



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How to Cite

عباس حميد عبد الحسين. (2024). Determine the most important factors affecting breast cancer using the logistic regression model: باستعمال نموذج الأنحدار اللوجستك. Iraqi Journal for Administrative Sciences, 13(52), 171–200. Retrieved from