The role of entrepreneurship in achieving sustainable competitive advantage: a study in Al-Furat Chemical Industries Company


  • Akram Mohsen Al-Yasiri


Entrepreneurship, sustainable competitive advantage


The research aims to study the entrepreneurship of distract ( Autonomy , Innovativeness , Proactiveness , Competitive adventure ) and their impact in achieving Sustainable Competitive advantage of its dimensions ( Quality , Market share , Efficiency , Core Competencies ) .
Was used as a form of resolution to obtain needed information through responses (45) members of staff at the Euphrates for the chemical industry / Babylon , as well as interviews and personal observations .
The research found a number of conclusions , including :
- The existence of the effect was significant for the dimensions of entrepreneurship in achieving sustainable competitive advantage .
- Need to apply the dimensions of entrepreneurship in business organizations from being a modern strategies that seek to achieve excellence and innovation.


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How to Cite

اكرم محسن الياسري. (2025). The role of entrepreneurship in achieving sustainable competitive advantage: a study in Al-Furat Chemical Industries Company. Iraqi Journal for Administrative Sciences, 9(38), 135–162. Retrieved from