Passion For Work and Its Role in Enhancing Productive Organizational Energy


  • Wihad Raheem Jihad Economics and Administration College - Karbala University/Iraq
  • Akram Mohsen AL-yassiri Economics and Administration College - Karbala University/Iraq


passion for work, productive organizational energy, Petroleum Products Distribution Company, Karbala branch


    This study seeks to determine the impact of passion for work on the productive organizational energy of employees. In order to achieve this, two dimensions of passion for work were adopted, while the productive organizational energy was expressed as a dependent variable through three. The problem of the study was launched from the reality of the oil products distribution company. Middle Euphrates Commission, Holy Karbala Branch.

A hypothetical chart was built that reflects the researcher’s perceptions of the nature of the relationship between variables, and according to two main hypotheses, the first related to the correlation between variables and the second related to measuring the level of influence. The necessary data for the field aspect was obtained through the questionnaire prepared for this purpose, as the number of members of the study sample was (270) individuals working in the researched company


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How to Cite

وهاد رحيم جهاد, & أكرم محسن الياسري. (2024). Passion For Work and Its Role in Enhancing Productive Organizational Energy. Iraqi Journal for Administrative Sciences, 20(79), 1–18. Retrieved from