
Journal of Kerbala for Agricultural Sciences invites all Iraqi and foreign scientists, researchers, and students to register on its new website to publish and review their manuscripts in the field of agricultural sciences.

  • Publication Ethics


    The Journal of Kerbala for Agricultural Sciences (JKAS) requires all authors to adhere to the ethical standards as prescribed by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). JKAS holds the ethics of publication as its core value and as such, adheres strictly to internationally accepted publication ethics. To ensure compliance, The JKAS employs the double-blinded peer-review process for all articles. The rationale for the double-blinded peer review process is to validate the integrity and novelty of the research work. The peer review process adopted by the Journal acts as a filter and increases the quality of research submitted for publication. This process also helps the authors to remove any errors or a gap in manuscripts mistakenly overlooked and assists in making the research more applicable in real-time.

    Read more about Publication Ethics