Improving the quality of work team training by adopting Six Sigma technology

a case study in Yarmouk Educational Hospital


  • Dr. Economics and Administration College - Karbala University
  • Researcher Economics and Administration College - Karbala University


work teams, Quality training


The research dealt with the possibility of employing technique of Six sigma to improve the quality of training teams work , and that by identifying problems that may face the process of training teams at all stages , the sample have included (5) teams comprised of (28) members of the staff in Al-Yarmouk teaching hospital , the checklist has adopted to explore the views of respondents to the questions asked , as the researchers fill the list in light of the research stipulates " the Six sigma technique contributes to improving the quality of training teams " the appropriate number of statistical methods has been used to data analysis . the most important outcome of the research show that the use of it Six sigma can help improve the training teams work , and therefore find recommended to take advantage of the importance of Six sigma technique in improving training teams in the organization surveyed.


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How to Cite

غني دحام الزبيدي, & حسين وليد حسين. (2025). Improving the quality of work team training by adopting Six Sigma technology: a case study in Yarmouk Educational Hospital. Iraqi Journal for Administrative Sciences, 8(34), 28–55. Retrieved from