Role of Entrepreneurial Alertness in Enhancing Strategic Flexibility

Analytical research in a sample of companies affiliated with the al-Abbas's (p) holy shrine/ Karbala governorate


  • Zahraa Karim Hamza Al Morshedy
  • Ahmed Abdullah Amanah Al-Shammari


Entrepreneurial Alertness, Strategic Flexibility, al-Abbas's (p) holy shrine


     Research aimed to test role of Entrepreneurial Alertness in Enhancing Strategic Flexibility. A group of companies affiliated to al-Abbas's (p) holy shrine in Karbala governorate were selected to test Research hypotheses through a questionnaire prepared for this purpose. Research sample included (89) respondent intentionally. Problem of Research was represented in intellectual questions that describe a reality in which (Entrepreneurial Alertness & Strategic Flexibility) are integrated, most prominent of which was “Does Entrepreneurial Alertness affect Enhancing of Strategic Flexibility” , importance of field Research was manifested in that it was applied in private sector, which performs both production and service activities, which is one of important sectors because of its impact on economic, social and environmental aspects of country. A set of statistical methods were used, most important of which is Pearson correlation coefficient by using (SPSS V.25) and structural equation modeling by using (Smart PLS V.23(. Research reached a set of conclusions, including presence of awareness of variables of current Research among Research sample, and that entrepreneurial alertness enhances strategic flexibility in companies of study community. Research recommended a number of recommendations, including need to strengthen dimensions of entrepreneurial alertness of these companies and their adoption as a continuous and integrated work methodology to support competitiveness as a key factor in the sustainability of corporate resilience strategically.

Author Biography

Ahmed Abdullah Amanah Al-Shammari

استاذ مساعد دكتور


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How to Cite

زهراء كريم حمزة المرشدي, & احمد عبد الله امانة الشمري. (2024). Role of Entrepreneurial Alertness in Enhancing Strategic Flexibility: Analytical research in a sample of companies affiliated with the al-Abbas’s (p) holy shrine/ Karbala governorate. Iraqi Journal for Administrative Sciences, 18(72), 194–224. Retrieved from