Postmodern marketing as a framework for developing marketing ethics - an applied study in a sample of international companies operating in the United States of America


  • Alaa Farhan Talib
  • Abdel Hussein Hassan Habib
  • Layla Mohsen Al Hakim


Postmodern marketing, marketing ethics


By reviewing the literature of the marketing department turned out that the
development of marketing ethics is an important mechanism for the company
can be achieved competitive advantage in light of a rapidly changing business
environment. With the transformation of the world from modernity to postmodernity at the beginning of the second half of the twentieth century changed
with corporate thinking and way of dealing with customers and took up the votes
to claim certainly on moral values in these companies and how to communicate
effectively and use friendly relations with customers and with the environment at
the same time. Was the objective of the study on the role of marketing
postmodern ethics in the development of marketing.
So began the study of the problem expressed in a number of questions of
intellectual and practical, Aimed at answering them through philosophy and
theoretical implications for intellectual variables addressed by the study, which
is (Marketing postmodern - Marketing Ethics). And then diagnose the level of
importance and impact and the possibility of their application in companies.
This study was applied to a group of international companies operating in the
United States through a sample composed of (109), a member of senior
management positions where The measuring instrument is designed to collect the
necessary data.


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How to Cite

علاء فرحان طالب،, عبد الحسين حسن حبيب،, & ليلى محسن الحكيم. (2025). Postmodern marketing as a framework for developing marketing ethics - an applied study in a sample of international companies operating in the United States of America. Iraqi Journal for Administrative Sciences, 11(43), 16–38. Retrieved from