Authentic leadership behaviors and their impact on strategic human resources development (SHRD) - an exploratory analytical study of the opinions of a sample of leaders and followers in some colleges of the University of Karbala


  • Akram Mohsen Al-Yasiri
  • Hussein Hariga Ghaly


Authentic leadership, strategic human resource development


This research seeks to determine the impact of authentic leadership behaviors on strategic human resource development (SHRD). In order to achieve this, four basic behaviors of authentic leadership were adopted: self-awareness, internal moral perspective, balanced processing of information, and relational transparency, based on (Wulambwa 95: 2008, et al) and the dimensions of strategic human resources development (SHRD) individual dimensions, HRD capacity, goals and objectives of SHRD, and the role of strategic partnership for (HRD) were adopted based on (Peterson 87: 2008). Some colleges of the University of Karbala were chosen as a field. The research was carried out through a questionnaire form that included (148) members of the heads of scientific and administrative departments, members of the teaching staff and employees, in addition to personal interviews. Factor analysis, Spearman correlation analysis, and simple regression analysis were used to test the research hypotheses using the statistical program SPSS. The research reached several conclusions, the most important of which is that authentic leadership behaviors have an effective role in improving the dimensions of strategic human resources development at the college level of the University of Karbala. The research concluded. A number of important recommendations.


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How to Cite

اكرم محسن الياسري, & حسين حريجة غالي. (2025). Authentic leadership behaviors and their impact on strategic human resources development (SHRD) - an exploratory analytical study of the opinions of a sample of leaders and followers in some colleges of the University of Karbala. Iraqi Journal for Administrative Sciences, 11(43), 75–93. Retrieved from