Vol. 5 No. 20 (2008): Iraqi Journal for Administrative Sciences

					View Vol. 5 No. 20 (2008): Iraqi Journal for Administrative Sciences

These titles explore various economic, financial, and organizational topics spanning multiple countries and sectors. The merger dynamics of Jordanian banks in light of financial liberalization are examined, while the institutional framework for reference crude oil markets is investigated. The measurement of effectiveness in monetary and financial policies in Iraq, as well as an evaluation study of its foreign exchange rate policy, are addressed. The interplay between organizational strategy and structure is analyzed through a field study in Jordanian organizations. Additionally, the replacement of production machine parts at the General Company for Electrical Industries - Engines Factory is explored. The phenomenon of administrative corruption worldwide is scrutinized using integrity indicators and perceptions of corruption. Finally, the relationship between individualism-collectivism orientation, ownership of work knowledge, and organizational citizenship behavior is analyzed through an analytical study, highlighting the human aspects of organizational dynamics.

Published: 2008-06-01